I don’t know why you want to fight about this
I don’t know why you want to fight about this
Blue blood from a horseshoe crab yes. Blue crabs are also a thing and horseshoe crabs are always referred to with the word horseshoe in front. So calling them just crabs with the word blue in front is a poor choice if one cares about communication.
Horseshoe crabs not blue crabs
I finished installing the flooring in my laundry room instead of proofreading a report that is painfully boring.
Only if there’s an undo button lol
I am so angry that they don’t have an easy “report this posting” button. Firstly, you have to go on a computer, you can’t do it at all on the app. Then it’s a tiny bit of text kind of hidden under suggested products and the report form doesn’t allow you to upload photos or anything so it just feels like it’s a throw away form. So I did that and then contacted the customer service bot and you have to be careful how you word it because “I need to report a fraudulent seller” makes the bot respond with prompts about phishing emails or calls pretending to be from Amazon and if you try to go back and start over it remembers what you’ve already said and gets confused and just gives you dead ends… But if you can just get it to give you a customer service rep you can eventually get them to say nice words to you pretending they will investigate an “take care of it”. Which I’m sure is bullshit. Gahhhhh such angry
They refused to contact me back with the results of their “investigation”. I asked what I should do if I see the post again and they said to contact them again. I tried to report it to the FTC but I would have had to lie about having purchased it which I didn’t want to risk ruining the report by doing so. I’m half considering actually buying it in order to be able to 😅🤔😬
I really resonate with your comment and also struggled with depression throughout my teens into adulthood until I learned about late diagnosed adhd and how those who fly under the radar for that can often lead to chronic burnout which is very similar looking to depression. Have you ever considered you might be ADHD?
I’m not being the change I want to see in the world for sure when I say this but I’m definitely scared to be “out” in any way regarding mental health struggles at work. The closest I’ve gotten is talking about anxiety and stress burnout, which I’ve been very careful to do in corporate-speak. I just feel like I can’t risk being seen as “at risk” of not being able to handle my work, even if that means I’m more at risk of that happening than if I was actually being supported. 😭
I understand the intention behind when people say that “the doom and glom attitude is harmful to the fight”. I’ve heard it many times. But it’s kind of like telling a depressed person to just be happy. It’s like, oh wow never considered that k thanks I’m cured now /s. It’s just like hey fuck you for being depressed you’re killing the planet - it doesn’t do a while lot to help. I think you’re right of course. I still don’t know how to stop being overwhelmed and depressed by it all.
I contribute to an FSA but my job does not bc they’re dumb in that regard, so I should have some funds in there as I haven’t been going to therapy all year basically despite thinking I would be and planning my contributions to include a copay for that. Buy I still think it will be several hundred out of pocket which I’m not sure I’ll be able to do as my savings got decimated this spring. I’m mostly just enraged that this isn’t covered more by insurance and it’s kicking my justice sensitivity rage into gear. I figured posting might be illustrative for those seeking a diagnosis and or those complaining about the rate of self diagnosis.
I appreciate the pep talk. I’m an engineer in water resources and do my best to help where I can. Sometimes I have outbursts on the Internet and sometimes I fall into frighteningly deep depression. I removed my ability to have children in my terror of bringing life into a the world so dark. So it’s not one or the other -be angry and do nothing or have hope and work towards a better future. I’m very angry and very frightened and very jaded… And I’m doing what I can to hopefully prove myself wrong. I would very much like to be wrong. I don’t have much hope most days and do believe the planet would be much better off of humans were at least much reduced in number. But I have loved ones and empathy for strangers, as well as a sense of self preservation so I don’t relish the thought of suffering. Things can be more than one thing at the same time. I’m not sure how to develop hope, and I’m not sure how people like yourself still carry any, but I have the kind of steadfast resolve to help my fellow humans reduce their suffering at the end. There’s a great deal of good that humans can do as well, art, music, stories, love. Those are the threads that keep me bobbing close to the surface. But yeah, I avoid the news almost entirely except for a few trusted sources and what I can’t help but run across on Lemmy, etc. I’m too sensitive clearly
Easy to say, harder to do
Indeed. I’m often overwhelmed by my feelings of fear and anger. Reading this gave me such a sense of futility, like wow I must be destined to die a slow and painful death of cancer, if poverty or civil uprising doesn’t get me first. Discussion seems silly at this point. Capitalism has sealed our fate, there’s little we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones in this environment. Everyone should be just as angry. To not be this angry one must be dissociating… Which is what I’ll go back to now until the next article wakes up my fear and anger again.
Rather negative lol
Arrogant fucking humans. This story plays out every time. And they want to blot out the sun to control climate change… We deserve everything we get for our hubris. I can’t wait for humanity to collapse we are a scourge
So we grew up with some absurd humor, especially in the early days of the Internet. Gen Z is just the logical evolution of that. Their humor tends more towards pure surreal abstract meaningless, and that’s the joke.
Granted sometimes there’s an inside joke with a kernal of basis in reality, but generally speaking if you are confused about what it means, that’s probably the point
What generation do you identify with
Yes to stages!! If I try to do the thing immediately I will get lost in an inception of side quests. So I have tables in every room dedicated to “things that need to go in another place”. Then when I’m going there, maybe I’ll remember to grab one of them 😅
Yes to multiples of things in each room/my car!! Off the top of my head I can think of: phone chargers, cups of pens and scissors, fly swatter, fans, Chapstick, hair ties. If I have to move it, Ive lost it