Do you happen to have the original ad? I am kinda interested in how this is set up and where.
Do you happen to have the original ad? I am kinda interested in how this is set up and where.
So, how would a peace treaty work with a non rational actor?
May I ask what or whom that is?
Edit: Ah I get it now
Fair point, a referendum then. (also please fix your democracy America, its getting weird)
You do know there are other options then occupied by russia or america right?
Viktor Yanukovych
Well russia could not be that bad, at least not to Viktor.
You don’t have to guess. They did publish just those demands.
Also not in the states and hey getting sick of explaining that Ukraine is the one who gets to make that call. And they have made it clear they will fight on. This conflict might have some years left but seeing as the (probably others) is north korea I think most know how it ends.
Oh and China, India are bending russia over right now laughing and saying “cheap oil go burrrrrrr”
Why don’t you have a vote on it then?
I am assuming you are an American, so I think you have sent no one.
Yes, clearly the mass protests and large scale political movement was just a ruse by the US, because as we all know somehow everything ever is always the US.
The lack of russian movement, russia dusting off museum worthy equipment, and that 8 hour “justice march” to Moscow kinda makes it seem like it is happening.
You likely mean Afghanistan, Iraq was a 8 year mess.
I think you mean russia is throwing money and ammo and tanks on a bonfire.
NATO is not Ukraine (yet), that makes about as much sense as say China getting to invade Iran because the UAE bombed north korea.
I would think popular uprisings like in 2014 against rich oligarch rule would be more up your alley. Really though that also does not work as much of an excuse to invade another nation state.
I think my screeching is quite pleasant compared to whatever mental gymnastics are needed to eat what you are selling.
Oh and as I said above, Ukraine gets to make the call on when they are willing to stop fighting. Not myself, not you.
See you have an issue in that argument. Without support (as that is what I assume would be the threat here) Ukraine has very clearly stated that it would fight on. You seem to forget that the west just lost a war in Afghanistan, who had no real foreign support.
All that cutting support off would do would drag this conflict out and make it mostly partisan action.
You are Ukrainian then? Because I think they are the only ones who get to make that call.
Oh yeah that worked so well for them in 1997 and 2014. Did people forget that peace negotiations have happened before and russia has broken the agreement every time?
Why would Ukraine or anyone for that matter take anything the russian federation says as not a lie? Also I think that in this case it would be stupid for Ukraine to allow russia any ability to regroup.
I remember some of my favourite spaces in the city I lived in where narrow valleys between buildings like this. The trick for light (enough for a great garden) was to hang cheap mirrors on the top part of each side wall.