The Disgaea games are a great grind, tons of Post Story content to delve into and days of pure grinding.
Tactical RPG is the genre, fyi.
The Disgaea games are a great grind, tons of Post Story content to delve into and days of pure grinding.
Tactical RPG is the genre, fyi.
Fuckin loved this movie.
Its been years since I’ve read any Oglaf, forgot they existed… Need to fix that asap.
Always add jitter
spin up a linux VM and man-in-the-middle the network, replace all images requested from the internet to be replaced with images of nick cage.
set it on as cron-job to activate/deactivate randomly, only for a few seconds at a time once or twice a week.
Sucralose does this for me, 99% of “sugar free” stuff has either Sucralose or Aspertame in it, wish more stuff used Erythritol instead.
I’m a big fan of Erythritol - a sugar alcohol with a nearly non-existent glycemic index of like 1. It tastes great and doesn’t have terrible side effects like Maltitol does.
Monks fruit from lakanto is a great source of Erythritol.
The X games have always been heavy on the economy sim… But the scope of the games were insane… I felt X4 was pretty gimped in that respect, that I couldn’t take over the economy, build massive fleets, and take out entire sectors with my massive wave of ships.
I haven’t checked out X4 since launch though, things may have improved.
Played X4 on launch and didn’t get super into it… Need to go back and see how they’ve smoothed things out.
Absolutely LOVED the X3 games, spent so much time in Albion Prelude.
I recommend the X series to anyone that mentions they enjoy space sims, oddly very few have ever heard of it.
You never know what malware is going to do. You could look up sandbox reports of what it did, and then end up with a modified version of the malware. Better to backup stuff, nuke the OS, and start fresh/change passwords on important stuff. Persistence can be a bitch to track down, better to nuke.
Take this as a learned lesson, and do better next time.
Back in the early 00’s I caught thousands of infections… I think somewhere around 3000 infections removed at once was my personal best. Live and learn.
Also saw it for the first time last weekend, hell of a movie. Probably one of the best villains I’ve ever seen, dude meticulously had everything worked out.