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Ok, pet deaths are obviously off the table. I’ll gladly kill off a favoured NPC but I’m no monster.
Gods, I love this game.
Oooooh you’re looking at it like an acronym. Yes, that makes no sense lol.
If I knew what cfdba was then maybe
That’s evolution, my friend. Peak DM mindset.
XD I know, I have no problem with it. This is an old meme I had saved on my phone, I didn’t make it.
Full disclosure, I absolutely love it when my players take things off the rails.
Yeah man, I wasn’t hating. Like I said, if your table is having fun then more power to you.
I mean, you do you, but that’s like a lot of backstory for a level 2. If it’s fun for you and your table, then more power to you.
What level are you starting at? If it’s a decently high level, then that’s understandable.
I honestly don’t know, pretty sure I saw it on Reddit a while back. I have it saved because I have a buddy who literally formats his character backstories like this and I like to poke fun at him.
I mean, that’s great, but when your player spits in the face of a God. Well. They fucked around, now they gonna find out.
Disclaimer: I only do stuff like this if the player is 100% in on the fun and I don’t present these types of opportunities lightly.
I mean, fuck it, it’s DnD. You do you as long as your DM is down with it.
People to play with are the main issue, local game stores and hobby shops might have groups that are open to new players. As far as learning the game, the core rules are free in the 5th edition SRD. And there’s tons of material on YouTube for learning the game. Once you get a grasp of the basics, I find it best to watch YouTube games like Critical Role or Dimension20. Just keep in mind that these people are professional players/actors, so while their games are unscripted, they kind of set an unrealistic standard for the amount/level of roleplay in a normal game. It’s also worth looking into other game systems like Pathfinder2e to see what fits you the best.
As the DM, I love it. It gives me something to work with for adding bits of player backstory to the overall plot.
Eh… Let em try. I like to see what happens when they fail.
Would that be phosphorescence? Those sound sick!
Honestly, most of the time players just have like 3 or 4 sentences for a backstory. Which is really better most of the time as it lets you build out the character over time in the game. If that’s the only thing holding you back, you should give it a try!
Good luck. I did Catholic school from kindergarten all the way through high school with ‘religion’ classes every semester. I wouldn’t say my knowledge of the Bible is encyclopedic, but I do think it’s better than the average Christian. The more I learned of the Bible, the more I hated Christianity but not really because of what was in the Bible. The Old Testament is on another level, but most modern Christians claim to forgo that part in favor of the New Testament and Jesus’s teachings. The biblical representation of Jesus was an awesome dude, and he would despise what the Catholic church has become. He’d be all up in those mega churches whipping people left and right lol.
However, my main point in this comment is to say good luck, because the people you will be arguing against will be much less informed than you are but will believe they know everything and they WILL NOT argue with you in good faith.