“Das war einfach mein Herz.” Er habe helfen wollen. “Mannheim hat mir so viel gegeben.”
Oh Herr Muhammad, hätten nur mehr Menschen hier ihr Herz ❤️
“Das war einfach mein Herz.” Er habe helfen wollen. “Mannheim hat mir so viel gegeben.”
Oh Herr Muhammad, hätten nur mehr Menschen hier ihr Herz ❤️
Thanks for the heads up, that’s what I will do.
The meme talks about 2014 to 2022, your sub stack post about 2021 to 2025, so one is talking about the conflict leading up to the full invasion by Russia, the other is talking about what happened after the Russian invasion. They are closely related but not the same.
Let’s just say it’s complicated.
She’s a conservative and domestically that meant a focus on the status quo, infrastructure was neglected (digital and otherwise), a lot of privatization, stagnating social programs, stagnating wages and more.
Her foreign policy and her statesmanship on the other hand was widely respected.
Sehr gut geschrieben, das Max Weber Zitat am Ende hat mir einen kalten Schauer verpasst.
“Die alten vielen Götter, entzaubert und daher in Gestalt unpersönlicher Mächte, entsteigen ihren Gräbern, streben nach Gewalt über unser Leben und beginnen wieder ihren ewigen Kampf.”
“Yeah, cults are really fun, but I have a sixth sense about when the fun is over. You know, when there’s gonna be an FBI raid or mass sooey, or blend up beavers and put it in the town’s water supply.”
~Francine Smith
Better be not, otherwise it would break community rules. Better be an okay rock.
“If you’re going to have a monarchy, it has to be a monarchy of everyone,”
What an utterly INSANE statement.
Hey, will dir gar nicht auf den Sack gehen, aber du meinst hier “abwegig”, von “auf Abwegen sein”, meint soviel wie auf den falschen Weg sein. Es sei denn du willst etwas “abwägen”, was von “wiegen” kommt und soviel wie abschätzen/einschätzen heißt.
Ich nerve damit auch nur, weil ich das selbst häufig falsch gemacht habe, bis ich gelernt habe - abwägen = Waage, abwegig = (falscher) weg
True, but I, at some point in my life recognized that all those bad thoughts and feelings about someone who wronged me only created suffering on my end. The answer was to let go.
The indifference might not give me revenge in a direct sense, but it gives me peace.
My revenge is being happy and free from that person.
It’s sure as fuck echoing right now and folks need to fucking listen.
Not alone regarding to US politics, the whole world eerily feels in a similar turmoil like 100 years ago. Let’s hope enough people recognize the overture of the symphony of horrors that is attached to it. Let’s hope we can turn it around before the true demons of our past come to haunt us all.
“Social media made y’all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”
-Mike Tyson
I feel you, I had that happen once or twice myself. Reading back I understand how you got there, I phrased it rather aggressively .
You don’t have to explain yourself, I was just poking fun at the discrepancy of “no time for a stroll” and a rather prolific online activity, because a stroll in my definition is also not super time consuming.
Sorry if I was overstepping or being insulting there, that wasn’t my intention. Just wanted to make some fun of it. I usually appreciate a lot of your input and posts.
I am far to busy to take afternoon strolls.
Bro, you have 3600 posts and almost 30.000 comments in 1.5 years on this platform, I see you in almost any instance and in countless communities.
Please, take an afternoon stroll.
I had that in Germany once or twice, but it was always that I’ve put the request in on short notice, we were a pretty small team, so three people at once wasn’t quite possible. But it was always the young parents planning a vacation during school holidays with their kids, so I understand that this collided and took my vacation outside those holidays.
Pug and other tankies act like the USSR was somehow better than nazi Germany and literal hitler
I don’t know what kind of history you and the other user have, but nothing in their comments in this Threads indicates that to me. In fact YOU brought it up unprompted.
I’m not arguing that one or the other was less evil
Yes you were.
Your first comment:
We should have let Hitler take over completely so that failed state wouldn’t be what it is today.
Implying that Hitler would’ve meant the better outcome for the Soviet Union.
deleted by creator
Okay, let me get my calculator and we can figure out who would’ve been preferable, because numbers are apparently the only deciding factor here.
Stupid nonsense. Maybe don’t argue FOR Hitler? You can argue against the soviet’s all day long, fine and dandy, but maybe don’t argue for hitler as the better choice?
You ‘whatabout’ types don’t seem to grasp that you can’t calculate evil against one another? You know that it is possible to analyze both those unjust regimes just on their own, without getting into some sort of “kill ratio dick measuring contest” one can come to the conclusion that BOTH those system were unjust and cruel.
That’s fucking hilarious.
‘Remember that obese rockstar whose heart exploded while trying to take a shit? I’m basically like him!’