Hai :3
I’m Luna! You may be familiar with my sister in Opistus, AshenWolf. Pay it no mind, there was no theft involved and I didn’t do it
Why did it take me 45 minutes to upload all of these
Either way, this ends the red-handed denial streak. For now.
No way, I have to check that out
To Mastodon, right?
Thanks, forgot to mention that!
This is such a great and chill game, and I am completely obsessed right now. I hope the dev is able to do great things with it in the future.
It’s really freaky to experience it in-game. They keep joining my games, and they can’t be kicked, so they just sit there, menacingly. As soon as I found out they could corrupt save data I just started leaving whenever they joined. It may or may not be true but I don’t want to risk it.
Creepy stuff
, but leaning
Do you want me to make a post?
Lock c/CTH and make cth3 the replacement. Make new users think something bad happened with the first one, and something unspeakable happened with the second. Bonus points for manufacturing fake struggle sessions on c/main.
Someone’s already said it, but this image, and the bloodshed left in the Struggle Session’s wake, must be immortalized as the comm banner in whatever becomes the new dunking comm(s).
Played a bit of Battlefront: 2 versus with my brother.
He got stomped, even when playing Vader
Nothing. It’s just gone. Reduced to atoms…