Lumelore (She/her)

  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • When I was in high school a kid brought a gun with the intent to shoot up the school, but he got caught with it and ran before he was able to use it. We were in lockdown for over an hour while they searched for this kid, so while it thankfully wasn’t a mass shooting it was still scary and it affected the whole school. Some kids were so rattled they didn’t show up the next day or two. If the shooting did happen that would add 2,000 people to the number who have experienced a mass shooting.

  • As a trans woman, I don’t see HRT being pushed as the only way to be trans. I think the vast majority of us recognize that there are many different paths people take. I have a friend who can’t take HRT because of blood clotting issues they have, and they are still 100% valid. Even if someone’s health doesn’t prevent them from taking HRT and they just don’t want it, they are still valid as well. The people saying that HRT is necessary to be trans are known as transmedicalists and they are cringe.

    Edit: This got double posted somehow, so I deleted the first one.

  • Hate, insecurity, intolerance, and ignorance are the foundation of their ideology. I’m not proud of myself at all for this, but I got sucked into the pipeline when I was a young teen. However I am proud to say that I did fortunately manage to pull myself out of it and I’m now a socialist.

    While I hate that I got sucked in, it does give me a lot of insight into why they are the way they are. They start by targeting common insecurities which they use to lure people in, and then they feed them lies while appealing to those insecurities. For example, I remember being a lonely teen and watching mgtow 🤮 videos and the gist of the videos was that if you joined their “movement” that you would get laid all the time, and of course that video was ridden with a shitload of misogyny and lies. Then from there it snowballs into more and more hatred and lies.

    Conservatives are just sad, narcissistic losers who are incapable of understanding that people need to lift each other up rather than putting each other down. That’s why conservatives like to brag, because they think putting others down is how they get lifted up.

    Being knowledgeable is a good defence against their tactics since their lies become obvious and it quickly becomes evident that they are fools.