You can see it as living in fear, if that’s what helps you, I just see it as being as prepared as I can.
You can see it as living in fear, if that’s what helps you, I just see it as being as prepared as I can.
I’m happy for you, but all it takes is one time. No reason not to have an extra backup.
What happens if somehow your phone gets broken? I always get a paper pass printed out just in case.
Kills the career they intended to have before working at Costco
I just got one that’s literally a sticker stuck to the inside of my windshield
The theorem states that given an infinite amount of time, which is outside the realm of the life of the universe.
The Toxic Avenger of the Crab People
Makes sense. They’re all weird-ass dipshits
But they said yeats…
Welch’s made a fruit punch soda that was next fucking level for me.
Pure spite is a hell of a drug
bobbin my head in agreement
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it feels like someone traveled back in time and accidentally changed something.
She looks like one of the marionettes from Team America
I like to live dangerously and coffee is much more permanent
I do the crossword every morning with my coffee
You’re not very good at trolling. Might be time to hang it up, slapnuts.
Crunch patties!