That’s exactly what I’m trying to say.
This all started because OP thanked God for this space to replace r/piracy, now that the subreddit is a meme cesspool, and a dude came to claim “people like him are going to make Reddit win”.
These people don’t realize we are the 0.01% of Reddit’s users, and two pathetic days of “blackout”, a week of memes and a couple of rogue mods isn’t this brave, heroic, mass-scale social movement that will suddenly kill Reddit overnight. Reddit will keep growing both in users and financially, and it’ll need years of hundreds of thousands of people ditching the site and replacing it with something else PERMANENTLY, for them to even feel a hit.
So regarding people’s comments about Reddit already being doomed and an inch away from disappearing because some of us left, the reality is that it’s exactly the opposite. They don’t need us to “win” which for them is to keep growing.
For me it was RESIDENT EVIL: Code Veronica.
My dad bought a Dreamcast in early 2001. I was 7 years old and long story short, he also bought Code Veronica and Maken X which both were the fuel of my nightmares back then. My English proficiency was barely enough to understand the menus and such, but I couldn’t follow the story. I could never get past the first cabin and all I remembered were the burning, pale zombies, twitching on the ground.
Years later in my teens, I bought it when it was released for PS3 and I couldn’t get past the first half hour of gameplay due to extreme boredom. I thought it took itself too seriously and was super mediocre.
Now, at almost 30, I downloaded it for my iPad and I’m having a blast. It’s not serious or boring AT ALL… all the contrary; it’s the goofiest, corniest RE game I’ve ever played and that’s saying a lot considering "Master of Unlocking”, “Jill Sandwich” and “boulder punching Chris” are a thing. Granted, it has a ton of annoying backtracking, but once you get to the dialogue bits, the cringyness makes all the backtracking worth it.