I’ve worked retail, I’ve seen people buy nine 12-packs of soda every couple of days. I wouldn’t be surprised.
I’ve worked retail, I’ve seen people buy nine 12-packs of soda every couple of days. I wouldn’t be surprised.
Oh my god you are so pathetic. Just give up. Look at yourself.
“I do relationship anarchy”
I guess 0 partners is still considered anarchy.
But more partners = more rules
Do you even believe the bullshit you’re spewing?
Lmao yeah that’s totally why you’re single. Keep telling yourself that.
Dude you clearly have absolutely 0 experience in this matter, just stop.
Lmao you can’t just say “this is objective” after the most fucking subjective sentence ever written. You’re clueless.
Lmao I’m not reading that crazy manifesto.
Looks like a lot of words just to say “this is why I’m alone”
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Man you really wanna die alone on this hill, don’t you? Just give up. You’re obviously wrong and misguided. Take your edgy 14 year old self back to middle school art class so you can draw more shitty anime characters.
Wow, you really don’t know what words mean, do you? Not surprising since you sound like a toddler.
If you ever actually experience your first relationship you’ll learn why literally every word you’re spouting is complete bullshit.
“Children can’t handle different opinions”
Oh the irony is fucking delicious.
You’re dead wrong about everything, sorry, thanks for playing. Grow up.
I’m sorry but you simply don’t seem to understand how imagery and symbolism works.
The artists intent is very clear. You are trying so hard to defend this random dumb comic strip on the internet instead of just admitting it’s a dumb comic strip on the internet.
Human psychology’s standard.
If anyone in this thread had ever actually been in a multiple partner relationship they would realize how shitty it feels.
Spoken like an inexperienced fool who’s never been cheated on.
You can’t love someone and cheat on them. Thats not love, that’s one of the most egregious betrayals of trust a human can commit.
100% agree. Whoever made this “guide” was attempting to portray monoamory as a bad thing, maybe even worse than cheating.
It reads as though the author is someone single, or someone in an unhappy polyamorous relationship with feelings of resentment towards those in monoamorous relationships.
“Nothing saying cheating is good”
In the cheating section there are 3 smiling faces and 2 bright red hearts, one of which is wearing “cool” sunglasses.
The monoamory tile has a frowning face, a big red x, and a broken heart.
I’m sorry but the imagery is definitely there, despite your decision to disregard it.
Look at cheating, then look at monoamory, then try to tell me this “guide” doesn’t have some fucked up bias.
Based on this post alone, would someone think cheating or monoamory is worse?
Passive aggressively dismissive of standard relationships while fantasizing about having multiple interested partners.
Very much seems like someone’s “sour grapes” attempt at explaining why they’re alone.
i.e. “I don’t have a SO because my views on relationships are incompatible with most, totally not because of my personality, or lack thereof.”
Every dynamic depicted here is shown with positive labels and imagery except the normal monoamorous relationship. Monoamory is depicted as neglectful and harmful, and labeled “idealized” as if the idea is absurd or unattainable.
Hell, CHEATING is depicted with less negative imagery than monoamory.
City folks don’t know about crop rotation.