Brave did have some bad habits (and i think still has) so personally i would not trust them with my data. You could look for a firefox based browser like Zen (the most beautyful of them all) or stick to any other privacy first chromium based like vivaldi or mullvad.
The general rule: the less features, the more privacy And if features are needed there are addons
Let them download an app and throw them into discovery or new at first (+ tell them to follow people who post fun stuff or something) Or look for a different frontend But it feels like the best strat is to throw them in and explain how it works later
Not fluent in latin so thank you for clarifying :D learnt someting new
And maybe show the price after taxes (i think it was not common in US to do so, could be wrong come from europe)
Tutanota & fastmail get reccomended often lately (i still need to check them out) Posteo is good too but they have only paid options (1€+)
Absolutly me
But i think the starting OS depends on the person.
I never would give Arch to my grandmother or something but most of my siblings would be better off with arch than mint. But even then there could be poeple that would be happier with another distro that is not a rolling release
I knew that there where some larger masto servers that tried to stay neutral but at least a lot of them switched when meta basically said they remove fact checking and let sexism and racism run ranpant without any consequences
But didydrogen monoxide is also known as hydroxyl acid, and the major component of acid rain.
not cat but dog:
My friends mother got a dog and booth the friend and the mother picket her up to let the dog sit on their lap.
I am not a dog person so i even highten my knees a bit but the dog still jumped.
It would have likely never come back if i pushed her off me but it was very funny for me to hear the other two complain that the dog never jumps on their laps.
it is funny but is it true?
Edit: seems true, here is a pic from wikipedia
and then with 4. they fusion it with 3 day shitless too :p
someone posted the pic of a can of beans and the title was “I heard people on lemmy upvote everything so here is a can of beans”
and since then it has bean the top post of all times
not necessarily manufacturers but the open source community can support 10 year old phones with new security updates like the LG G2 and Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE. https://doc.e.foundation/devices
On IPhones there is not really such a community because apple aggressively screws people for profit and will stay to do so in the future because that works.
Other companies copied Apples design choices like unmovable batteries because that works. And some fans argue “but not replace batteries are more water proof” and such but the phones only got more fragile.
And its not like they are the best in customer service, i mean they only offered repairs for design flaws when a lot of people sued them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUaJ8pDlxi8&t=801s&pp=ygUUbG91aXMgcm9zc21hbm4gYXBwbGU%3D (25 minute video by Louis Rossmann about apples repeated design failures)
And for the M1, i looked into it, nice that they don’t lock the boot-loader without jailbreak. But they don’t help with the OS, that again is the open source community.
And you are right: Apple is not the worst, Nestlé is the worst but a completely different topic.
I know that the products of apple are very user friendly and everything can like work together. The software is brilliantly comfortable so that a users don’t want to use everything else, because how comfortable it is. For me it is a trap by a greedy mega cooperation.
Thank you for your service in this critical matter
Want to give him all the pats