I’m extremely left leaning, pretty much all of the top voted replies to you are ridiculous. Clearly this is already an echo chamber
Follow me on Mastodon:
I’m extremely left leaning, pretty much all of the top voted replies to you are ridiculous. Clearly this is already an echo chamber
I did learn metric in school, did you not? I’m in Ohio, not sure if it’s different elsewhere. Typically it was tied to physics and chemistry, but still learned it.
I use both metric and imperial for work. But the issue is changing every single street sign, updating all of our school material, etc would cost the country billions of dollars and it just isn’t worth it at this point.
It happened every morning in my school, but we weren’t forced. I would routinely just stay seated and not say the pledge, personally.
Hey that’s me!
Granted this was 6 years ago, but I met my now fiancée on bumble. It might be worse now, not sure
Hey, just a heads up, if you hover your name in the top and click settings, you can uncheck the options under Writing and that should fix your issue
I am also going to make my first comment with the app on this post!
Posted with Artemis (beta)
If you signed up via the Google form, you should receive an email to the email you provided if you are selected!
No need to go looking for an email just yet, but over this weekend @hariette should be rolling out invites to a couple hundred users who signed up.
Currently not open source, but it will be! The code base is just a bit messy this early on and @hariette is focusing on cleaning up a few bugs prior to the larger beta roll out. Once things slow down on the development side, the devs can focus on cleaning up the codebase and releasing it on GitHub.
Source: From this toot on Mastodon by Hariette.
Short answer: Not right now, but it will be.
Currently not open source, but it will be! The code base is just a bit messy this early on and @hariette is focusing on cleaning up a few bugs prior to the larger beta roll out. Once things slow down on the development side, the devs can focus on cleaning up the codebase and releasing it on GitHub.
There is not an apk available yet. Currently there is a limited amount of beta testers (around 10 people). The devs are closing out some bugs in the coming days and @hariette is planning on rolling out an invite to a few hundred beta testers on the 1st of July. The roll out will be based on who signed up on this google form.
Alpha version alpha.3 was just rolled out about 5 minutes ago. I’ll be posting screenshots in a bit, keep an eye on this magazine!
You’re thinking of a Fiat, Dale
I said this:
“This user moved to the Fediverse after nearly 10 years on the site due to the proposed API changes Reddit announced in early June 2023.”
@hariette onboarded an Android dev just the other day to help feel more like an authentic Android experience.
I believe it originated on Mastodon. It’s the equivalent of a “Retweet” on Twitter. But, kbin has it also, I think the idea was to be used with the Microblogging feature of kbin.
But, honestly, I use it as more of a bookmark on kbin. Whereas on Mastodon I use it as a Retweet.
I’m hoping that Hariette will respond to one of us soon and agree to open-sourcing the project. Thank you everyone in the Artemis community <3