• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023


  • Didn’t things look worse when Nazi Germany was at its height? Didn’t things look worse when slavery was at its height?

    The state of the world has been much worse before, and things still got better.

    We have to acknowledge that a lot of people died, and a lot more were hurt, before things got better. And it may come to that in our times as well. But barring nuclear disaster, things can improve. And one prerequisite is not agreeing to lay down and die.

    Like I said, I get it. Seems like anyone with any real power doesn’t recognize the severity of the situation. Seems like there’s no justice. Are you going to say “no point in trying”? I don’t think so because you wouldn’t be so mad about it if you didn’t care. I don’t have the answer. But believing change is possible is a crucial ingredient in change happening.

  • The first link is paywalled, I read the other two. Seems like those posts are evidence that there are assholes editing twitter, which I’d agree is true even without links. What I disagreed with is the idea it’s “captured” by bad actors.

    I do think it’s legitimate to have a concern about people paid to edit wikipedia by malicious organizations. I don’t think Elon Musk is legitimately concerned about that; he doesn’t want an information source to exist that he can’t control.

    But giving these specific examples is different than giving evidence that Wikipedia on some larger scale is no longer useful or reliable. And keep in mind here “reliable” doesn’t mean “never wrong.” I remember in school being taught that Wikipedia (like the encyclopedias that came before it) is just your first stop when learning about a subject. It’s a general overview, but to become an expert a person needs to look at additional materials.