I’m aware, but I like how Yandex Keyboard looks. FOSS alternatives aren’t that pretty, at least for me.
I’m aware, but I like how Yandex Keyboard looks. FOSS alternatives aren’t that pretty, at least for me.
I’m using Yandex Keyboard #FuckGoogle
The problem with third-party apps is they break Twitch-specific features (Channel Points, Redeems). So I’m looking for mods (the ideal situation would be Twitch opening Channel Points and Redeems to third-party apps, but…).
To me, no. PS2 is a retro console, but PS3 (Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X., Crysis 2) is not. I mean, look at those games’ graphics, they look FENOMENAL.
I’m giving this a thumbs up xD
I have this off, because I know what I’m doing. But if someone asks me to disable it during a call, now that’s a sign to hang up and maybe report that number as scam. Thank you for the heads up.
It’s a 1. A white 1. A white 1 in a red circle. I don’t know more, sorry.
Droid bad, druid good
Yeah. Remeber Twitter blocking Mastodon links? Nobody wrote ANY letter. Cringe
All attention is attention, but this post is stupid.
Attention whore
This have so much challenge potential. Spawn, do a full circle around the map, return to spawn and win. I want a leaderboard for this.
No. You shoot once and they will come like flies to a smelly meat.
The art vs. the game
Oh well…
Lemmy is developing. Lemmy will be a second Reddit. It will be…
Why the advice got less upvotes than sarcastic answer?
Subscriptions will destroy us. If I would be a long time user of a free thing and company sometime said “Hey, pay for it. This actually cost us money. (Difficult explanation). You see it now?”, I would be “No, fuck you” and throw this piece of Putin’s crap out the window. I prefer two things: one time payment (not too high) or free forever.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.
Mine too…
Now it’s pawb.social. I wanted .social instance and this was the first in awesome-lemmy-instances repo on GitHub.
I removed (not really, it shows “Not installed for this user” in All apps list) GBoard using Canta and nothing is happening. I use Yandex Keyboard.