Such a cute little venue. It’s a shame it must be owned by a shithead to host DeSantis.
Such a cute little venue. It’s a shame it must be owned by a shithead to host DeSantis.
I’ll never not upvote Loss. I will always love Loss.
You see that the “x” is grey, but you’re going to try it anyway. Before your pointer gets there, you’re born without consent. You were given the opportunity to consent. You should have consented. It’s not gonna stop. You should get busy consenting. And thaaaaaat’s life!
Right? Shit politicians too. Ron DeSantis got me rootin’ for fucking Disney. I hate Disney in general, but I wish they’d play more serious Illuminati hardball with DeSantis.
You have a lot of learning to do about enlightenment. Gutei cut off a motherfucker’s finger to get him a little closer to enlightenment. Violence is inherent to true enlightenment. When the enlightened meet the buddha, they will kill the buddha.
The real question is the hell did people downvote me?
You shut someone down without informing or educating them on a text based discussion centric community with an academic stick up its ass. A one word response to a complex technical question is terrible etiquette in this sort of social environment.
my car is a metal horse that should go as long as I put gas in it
This one is fun because horses require so much more effort and upkeep than cars. Your horse can suck because you made it sad.
Barbie has had her controversies, but she had always had feminist messaging, even if it was less mainstream feminism at times. She has always sat at the crux of a feminist debate: does she impress upon girls that they must look a certain way? Or does she impress upon girls that they can be capable and successful regardless of their traditional femininity. When Barbie was developed and released, the masculine, unattractive woman making it in a man’s world was a relatively common trope. The artifices of famininity were seen as signs of weakness and incompetence, while denying your femininity and emulating men meant a chance at more respectable, mainstream success. Barbie was a response to that idea, to the idea that a woman has to become like a man to succeed like one. Barbie can do everything, and she can do it in a dress and heels. Barbie can be an airline pilot and homeowner, and her plane and house can be as entirely feminine as her wardrobe. When times changed and the toxic femininity tropes shifted to slutty women using their bodies for success, Barbie was sometimes accused of playing into that trope. But that perspective misses the original context of Barbie’s disruptive femininity.
Nah. It just gets you to all the places. That would be akin to calling a car an everything store. You get in the car to go places and do things, but the car isn’t the place or thing. You can have a direct connection to a website or app that doesn’t go through a browser. Likewise, you can directly call a business to connect and interact without a car. The browser is the vehicle. The internet is the street.
If you leave mainstream, radio country even just a little, it becomes apparent that progressive gays are taking over country and Americana. If there are people and places in your life that need country music, bring S.G. Goodman, Melissa Carper, Orville Peck, Iris Marlowe, and none of these people have what I would call a niche sound. (I don’t expect to convert anyone to the cult of Little Mazarn, but that’s maybe my favorite country act.) And some of them are blowing up! They’re making country music for me these days, and I fucking love it. It’s all I listen to lately. Folk, country, and Americana are for everyone.
“Well someone has to be the king.” That is their only constant, and it is a thought process baked into the human brain. It is our default.
Fun fact: if you’re raised in a chaotic environment of abuse, distrust, and neglect, you can go blissfully free of the need for leadership for the low, low price of CPTSD! I assume that this leaderless way of thinking can be imparted to children without truama, but I only know how I got there. For better or worse, I’ve never trusted or craved authority because my formative authorities were infinitely untrustworthy and unsafe.
Not that this is really relevant to your fantasy of a Glorious Civil War of Separation, but I am a trans woman with a history of winning over conservatives and helping them grow to understanding in the rural Midwest. When I worked at a trucking motel, I led a series of truckers to the conclusion that trans people are just normal people, except this particular one who is the best damn front desk agent they can get for under $200 (for the record, our CDL rate was under $100). Now I work at the single busiest dispensary in the city where I do the same thing because even fascists love weed. Even without any group affiliation, I put myself in danger to do important and successful grassroots work in my day to day life that I could not do if separated from the people who need to see and hear me. I am pushing for change every day in one of the battleground locations for trans rights and have never lived somewhere that was safe for and accepting of me. Separating into a fascist and free state abandons people like me, people who fight where it counts because we were born where minorities don’t get rights.
So assuming the fascist nation doesn’t restrict the movement of or exterminate lgbtq people, will your theoretical progressive nation provide relocation expenses and therapy for the ~20 years of abuse that is growing up lgbtq in a house of hate? Because there’s no way the fascist faction is just sending their kids to the enemy. They have to make it to adulthood in a dangerous environment, figure out their circumstances without education or information on the subject, and make the decision to leave behind everything they know for at best total mystery/at worst every lie they’ve been told about the enemy. Considering the extreme disparity of lgbtq acceptance and safety already extant, this idea changes very little. It lumps all the safe and unsafe places together, making it more difficult to get to a safe place.
I lived someplace with an old sticker inside a cabinet door with a bunch of basic, useful conversions. It was neat.
let them have their own fascist christian everyone-that’s-not-a-cishet-white-man-phobic country
Gay and trans people would still be born there.
The Erisian Liberation Front of SW and Rural Missouri, on the other hand, fully supports naming diseases and pestilences after the Goddess, Unstable May She Reign, and objects only to the application of the moniker to such a benign viral variant. In the future, we and/or I would request that her name be applied only to particularly virulent and/or unpredictable diseases and pestilences. May her sudden wrath never find you.