You are so close to VOR!
You are so close to VOR!
Write an“installed on” date on them so that you remember be to change them in 10 years.
The AMC theater experience in my area is so poor that I strictly avoid it. Between no assigned seats, the old style fold down seats, sticking to floor as you walk, other patrons talking/being on their phone/using their phone flashlight during the movie, and the 30 minutes of pre-show ads, it just doesn’t make sense to spend money on it.
If I do want to see a movie in theaters, I drive to the non-AMC theater that is 45 minutes away since it is just a much better experience and higher quality at a lower price.
I miss Ricochet.
He is above the law. How many other convicted felons receive no penalty?
Security Theater.
Indy 5 felt like an Indy film, which was really nice. My only 2 notes for them to work on would be 1) more practical effects, avoid CGI except for the “supernatural” scene and 2) I appreciate they used the practical effects of speeding up playback for the tuk tuk chase, but it felt too sped up, almost campy.
Overall though, after seeing 4 in a midnight showing and it being the movie that caused me to never go to another midnight showing, 5 was excellent!
that putting the thermostat up higher will heat the house up quicker
If you have a 2 stage furnace, this may actually be a thing.
Byline from the article:
The legendary comedian died from cancer at age 70 in July 2023
Actually it’s by design! Right side is for the lower ports, that’s why there’s the number with an arrow above it.
To build on your comment: cost of living has a surprisingly fixed price. Different qualities of living don’t cost massively different. If the average person has to spend their whole earnings on living an “average life”, if you make 2x and want to live twice as nice of a life, it likely only cost 1.5x the “average life”. Earning 2-3x opens up a lot of luxury even though it may not seem like it.
Ok, take a nap, THEN FIRE ZE MISSLES!
If you have HVAC, make sure the filter is replaced regularly and try running a higher MERV filter.
The 6000 unit tests they run on every build is the most effective bug squasher!
Laughs in Factorio
Factorio Space Age, but it wasn’t on sale.
Probably not. The Hush Money case is a state case, not a federal case. Presidential pardons (up till this point) are only valid for federal crimes.
Go to the computer with the issue, log in as a domain admin, hit ctrl+Z.
Do you know how expensive a criminal conviction is?
That’s not entirely true. Texas seems to have a problem with people leaving for various services and it’s a federal crime to transport certain flora between states, even if it is fine in both states.