Same as every other time in the US’s existence.
Invest in an index fund, let money sit. Repeat.
The US has been through turmoil before. Nearly every country in the world has had similar experiences. Unless you think the concept of capitalism is ending, just prepare for the future the way that’s been done for the last 100 years.
9/10 times you’ll miss the dip and get behind the curve. You have no idea how the market is going to react in the next 6 weeks, much less in the next 6 years.
Trump could have just as easily not implemented the two days of tariffs and the market could have gone up.
Now that the tariffs are off again, the market might bounce back higher than ever on Monday and you’re going to miss the bounce.
Of course he might say something incredibly stupid tonight and the market crashes, but again, 9/10 times pulling money out of the market means opportunities lost, not bullets dodged.