Hopefully the Mavs can swing him somehow.
Agreed. Most prob saw this coming
Enable the “Sticky Top Bar” option under settings.
Latest update fixes this.
Newer version now is working.
Thank you!!
Can confirm on 85 the same thing.
I am seeing this as well today. I cleared my cache and storage to get everything back. After I put my custom settings back though it all went gone again.
+1 for saving the sort option
Paywall for content :(
Not sure if its new but the sticky top bar is very welcome. I was a huge fan of rif.
Is Connect open source?
Wonder if they are going to drop TyTy and Garuba. I liked watching them in Houston.
Dang, good for him. How old is he now?
I’m still very new but doesn’t block instances block everything in a lemmy host not just a certain community?
Ah!!! That worked. I’m right handed so I guess I always use the right side of the screen.
Not sure what you are saying. The list can’t be scrolled in any direction if it’s long enough.
If you can start poking around in their GitHub.