The work itself is interesting in that there are new issues, questions or commercial options that people come up with more often than not. So the role itself I like, but the burnout bit…
For the last few months the number of things our rather small team has been asked to do has roughly doubled, so I am working longer hours and taking fewer breaks. I have been having dreams/nightmares about work, having anxiety when I’m not at work because I am thinking about things that haven’t been done, unable to sleep, appetite changes, frustration and snapping at my family, etc. I know I haven’t been in the best place mentally during this time. All of these things have clouded over the elements of the job I enjoy, because instead of being able to think about those or let my mind wander around to consider various options I am forced to make snap decisions and work on outputs instead of the thinking bits of the job.
My boss tries to support but he is under the same pressure and can’t do much about it. My coworkers are okay.
It feels important and I don’t know if that is the problem or not. Everything I do contributes to the top line of a large business but really my actions are a drop in the ocean of a vast and complex system and I am annoyed with myself for letting it get to me this much.
🤣🤣 I wish
But logically you are correct it’s not like I’m going to earn more if I run myself into the ground.