And he’ll continue getting all the weird chicks. He’s like a young Riker. :D
And he’ll continue getting all the weird chicks. He’s like a young Riker. :D
There are already cybernetic implants. I think pacemakers count as them.
You only see greyscale? O_o
No? UTC by definition doesn’t know time zones.
Let’s say the European goes to work at 8 o’clock UTC. The American in this example goes to work 6 hours later at 14 o’clock UTC. Both now exactly when the other one is in office. Time zones aren’t needed here.
Time zones are an invention to keep the zero hour (for hour counting) at about the same local time - midnight. Midnight was easier to determine that UTC (or GMT). A peasant could do it in a day without the help of expensive tools everywhere on Earth. As a matter of fact almost each city in medieval times had its own local time. To get that sorted out they where clustered into time zones.
Time to nerd this shit! 🥸
There were several counting systems:
Also it isn’t a bad idea to work less hours in winter so you can experience the sun at all.
In the times before the light bulb work could only be done during the day. Candles made from beewax were too expensive for the peasants. If they used candles instead of kindling they were made from tallow and created a lot of smut and didn’t gave much light. That made them a bit unpopular. I wonder why? 👤
At least in my country work days were divided in morning, midday, afternoon and night. You worked your field during the morning, went to market at midday, did handyman work and chores during afternoon and slept during night time.
Also Trump did say he wasn’t going to do Project 2025 during the campaign.
Nobody has any intention of building a wall.
- said Walter Ulbricht, head of state of the GDR in 1961, two months before he ordered to build the Berlin Wall.
Title: You wouldn’t believe what I found.
It’s a rock and sand desert. There never was wind to even out the surface. It’s a challenge to find level ground big enough for a lander.
I’m not sure if #ebooks mirrors Libgen. I wouldn’t be surprised if they copy from each other.
I have allergies against ads, countdowns, etc. The interweb is polluted with that stuff and so are most piracy sites.
I find irc to be much easier to use than the alternatives. Just a click to start hexchat and then it auto-connects to the right server and auto-joins the right channel. All within seconds. I even get my animes from irc like I did in 2005. 😁
Toddler uses crying.
It’s very effective!
An alternative is plain old school irc. I’m not kidding.
Connect to irc.irchighway.net then /j #ebooks then !search <author and/or title>
Receive search results via xdcc which gives you the commands to download that stuff.
Or query one of the bots (e. g. @bsk) and get a list of hundreds of thousands of books that are available and search that for what you want.
I prefer that over ad infested one click hosters with countdowns, link shortener cascades and captchas. I find and get the stuff much faster by using irc.
Nun, ich habe nicht behauptet, dass alle dement sind. Das hast du mir unterstellt. Ich habe geschrieben, dass die Leute in dem Alter entweder dement sind oder davorstehen, Demenz zu entwickeln (“auf guten Weg dahin”). Es ist halt eine häufige Krankheit im Alter.
Hast du dich mal umgeschaut, wie viele alte Menschen alleine leben, wo keiner da ist, der den Mensch mal zum Arzt bringt und auf Demenz untersuchen lässt?
Ähnliches sehe ich auch in meiner Familie. Die eine Oma ist 87 und dement, man kann sich aber trotzdem noch gut mit ihr unterhalten. Die andere Oma ist 90 und hochgradig dement, aber nicht diagnostiziert, weil das Familienmitglied, das sich um sie kümmert, das nicht wahr haben will. Das ist jetzt schon ein jahrelanges Gezerre. Den Stress, den das Thema in der Familie verursacht, nur weil man das mal anspricht, ist gewaltig.
So sieht das bei vielen Familien aus. Alle wissen es, doch kaum jemand macht etwas, um den Familienfrieden halbwegs zu wahren.
There was something amiss before. Nobody starts compromising the system just a few months before getting fired.
he was demoted
That also indicates there’s more to the story than it seems.
I want an implant that can regulate body functions and even rejuvenate & regenerate me.
What would that mean?
Also auf dem guten Weg dorthin. 30% sind echt nicht wenig.
Und das sind nur die, wo eine Diagnose vorliegt. Die Dunkelziffer ist höher.
That’s an interesting take! Maybe I should do that too, when I restart learning Italian again.
Une, due, tre. Short and simple enough for me!
Or I go the masochist route and name them il ragazzo, la ragazza, i ragazzi and le ragazze. :D
I didn’t meant the newlines. ^^
Is that a new kind of masochism?
Mit 87 sind die meisten Leute dement oder auf dem guten Weg dorthin. Ist so.
Ich nehme mal stark an, dass er ein paar Leute eingestellt hat, die sein Vermögen verwalten. Der macht da nichts mehr selber.
In the last two eps of Voy she came back through time as an admiral.