People sure do get agressive when talking politics. No room for discussion.
Riding the Eschaton
People sure do get agressive when talking politics. No room for discussion.
They would be invading the Vatican and chasing Epsteins friends and connections if the powers that be really cared about children. They’re not after pedos, they’re after freedom and privacy.
Noob here. What’s wrong with Haskell and why doesn’t it get used more often?
Who tf is asking chatgpt for cancer treatments anyway?
Apples gonna Apple
How is it weird? How is it weird to believe that getting somewhere takes hard work? Please tell me how can one get a better role and conditions without working harder or caring more because if there is one then I’d be glad to walk that road instead. I just don’t see it.
When Im working hard to get somewhere in the company I get shit from people:
“ThE cOmPaNy dOeSn’T cArE aBoUt YoU…”
Yeaah I fucking know the company doesn’t care. But its not like I’m getting a different and better role + a better salary if I just work the bare minimum and give zero shits about everything. In the end some people just work harder for selfish reasons, I doubt its for company loyalty or Love of flowers.
Institutions are becoming irrelevant due to the power of tech and this one of their reactions.
I think wanting stuff for free and not wanting ads don’t go together. Either we pay or we watch ads or use open source.
Im using the shit out of gpt-4 for coding and it works. And no never told anyone cause nobody asks.
Because I kept printing t-shirts and cups upsidedown
I am using NextDNS. Is there any advantage of using Pihole over nextDNS?
Man thats great. Im not a devoted player but from time to time I just buy a game to have some fun. Last ones were Hellblade and Witcher 3. Also In thinkng of starting a new build from scratch so I might just jump into Linux and leave Windows behind for good. What is the ideal Linux flavour for gaming? Ubuntu? Mint? Whats it like with gpu drivers and what not?
Lets say a major game comes out something like Elder Scrolls VI. Could I play it straight away in Linux or are we talking about older AAAs?
Are you guys playing AAA games in Linux? Everything works?
A rhino horn starts growin in ya brainz
Probably going to be better to buy implants since the price of those will go down probably.
I can’t believe Google would actually do this. No way.
Because we want to fuck it