This is a community for discussing things about programming.dev itself. Things like announcements, site help posts, site questions, etc. are all welcome here.
This is a community for discussing things about programming.dev itself. Things like announcements, site help posts, site questions, etc. are all welcome here.
Uptime: 29 seconds
I would keep it up for ONE HOUR! :O
I search with duckduckgo and the first results seem reasonable
Here’s a signature and description https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Creating_an_OpenGL_Context_(WGL)#Create_Context_with_Attributes - khronos is publisher of OpenGL
here’s the function I presume without attributes, so should be helpful to relate and compare https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/nf-wingdi-wglcreatecontext
Feature World Lighting: not implemented
Lighting is server side? o.O
I guess because it influences creep spawn or sth?
Yeah, I agree with that, and also feel like that. That’s why I called it “obsolete”, not wrong or an outdated assessment.
Most people who know Sourceforge probably feel like that. And those who don’t know it have no reason to get into it.
“splitting on end-of-sentence punctuation” would not split on 8.9 though!?
I hate when apps use my number formatting setting to determine display language - despite Windows having a display language as well. Even Qt does (did?) that.
I think it’s an interesting idea, and I’d see it as fine for simple host + fetch. But as soon as you start interacting, I see it as far worse.
A personal support email may work, but as they write by the end, ticket tracking and collaborating on a platform with a shared web interface is much superior for information sharing and but also iteration (they talk about back and forth emailing earlier).
Self-hosting yet another platform/forge with its own account system is not viable to me either. (I’m still hoping for forgejo federation for a centralized account. Until then, GitHub seems like the best choice purely because it’s the biggest and everyone has an account and can contribute and post without account barriers.)
The idea that it could be a hosted repo with an integrated mailing list (and potentially bug tracker) is interesting, but ultimately, almost/actually a full forge then anyway.
and Sourceforge now has a pretty bad reputation
The bad reputation is largely obsolete. The owner had changed to a bad owner with bad practices, but that owner was eventually replaced by a better owner again.
I still hate the UI though. We have much better alternatives today, which is why I don’t see any reason for anyone to go back to (or start) using Sourceforge. It’s no longer an issue of owner and bad practices, but solely of the platform itself with its UI/UX.
I love Nushell
When I bash my head into a wall, does that count?
You always forget regex syntax?
I’ve always found it simple to understand and remember. Even over many years and decades, I’ve never had issues reading or writing simple regex syntax (excluding the flags and shorthands) even after long regex breaks.
I consider python a scripting language too.
Package managers may distribute and manage libraries as dependencies, but may also manage tangential files like documentation, debug symbols, or source code for those libraries. They may also package build files to integrate into the build system, executable programs, or executable instructions. So it is a superset. Distributing libraries is the main, but only one aspect of them.
A packaged library is distributable through the package manager.
APIs, application programmable interfaces, are a standardization of callability - of names, parameters, returns, and behavior. Libraries may practically offer a non-standardized interface, or they may explicitly define an interface that they promise to follow (a more stable interface that you can depend on), or a library may implement an interface that is defined independently of a library.
With a standardized interface, multiple libraries can implement the interface, and they become inter-operable and inter-changeable.
OpenGL is an API that is defined as standards. The various graphics driver developers implement the interface. (Their driver makes the implementation available as libraries.) And there’s even software-implementations that implement a translation layer rather than “directly” talking to hardware. This for example allows you to play Windows games on Linux where the Windows APIs get translated to Linux equivalent API calls or implementations.
Frameworks typically offer a broad[er] architecture and functionality of things. You do not interface with them, you integrate with them. For example, in C++ you may use the Qt framework for UI. Rather than using a UI library that you interface with and call, you implement UI the Qt way, and call Qt to render that. This does not only work for UI of course.
Seeing the list, I determined it’s not for me. But seeing Trac on that list for “best” invalidates the whole thing for me. I always hated Trac UI.
The new Stack Overflow will be one built to feel like a personalized homepage—your own technical aggregator. It might collect videos, blogs, Q&A, war stories, jokes, educational materials, jobs, all these formats (or maybe others, we would love to hear your ideas!), and fold them together into one personalized destination.
reaching for that stack overflow
I’m skeptical. We’ll see how they implement it, and whether they can gain enough contributors for it to be useful.
There’s a !python@programming.dev community more appropriate to python specific questions
Neo4j provided database software under the AGPLv3, then tweaked the license, leading to legal battles over forks of the software. The AGPLv3 includes language that says any added restrictions or requirements are removable, meaning someone could just file off Neo4j’s changes to the usage and distribution license, reverting it back to the standard AGPLv3, which the biz has argued and successfully fought against in that California district court.
The issue before the appeals court boils down to the right to remove contractual restrictions added to the terms of the APGL. This right is spelled out in AGPLv3, section 7, paragraph 4: “If the program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this license along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term.” Other GPLs contain similar terms.
“Licensed under AGPL but not AGPL”? It’s a named license that people have expectations on. I assume if they had said “licensed under aa modified AGPL license” it would have been fine? Seems reasonable/makes sense.
How does that become “may kill a GPL license”? Key word “a”? (When it’s not one.)
the docs are under documentation, not on the homepage tho
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