I make things: electronics and software and music and stories and all sorts of other things.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yes. The only way to send patches without something like Github is over email. I don’t mind all the other stuff, but there’s no other way to do PRs than over email, and I hate email. I didn’t see that he gave alternatives. His preferred solution was an email

    The formal PR button in a forge is a way to do that with one click, but a short email with all the same information is just as good.

    Like, dawg, no it aint

  • GLFW is a C library, not a C++ one, and an old one at that, and so the reason is that a long time ago, there was no bool in C. Every library would make their own true and false bc it’s handy to have.

    Nowadays, the type _Bool has been added to C, and C++ has built-in bool, but you can still see the legacy of no boolean in C as to use the type name “bool” as well as the key words “true” and “false” for 1 and 0, you have to include “stdbool.h,” as well as in custom types in these old GL-adjacent libraries.