Dude Starfleet did not even realize a whole planet going AWOL until Khan told them. Explorers my ass.
Dude Starfleet did not even realize a whole planet going AWOL until Khan told them. Explorers my ass.
Ist trotzdem weniger geworden. 175 Gramm war normal, inzwischen sind es 150. Aldi Eigenmarke hat 200 und schmeckt auch noch ok
Lass uns unsere Steuerklassen zusammenlegen
I’m a chemical plant operator working for one of the big companies in Germany
i played the original and 2, and i love what they did with 3. JA always had a clumsiness to it, but the new one is very nicely streamlined and i usually get the results that i want from my mercenaries. How did you run out of money on tutorial island?? Too many Mercs? Just pick Mouse, a doc, a mechanic and Fidel and liberate everything except the fortress. I try to play as a good guy, but having Fidel in my team makes it hard, that funny psycho. In the end of the Island you should have enough AKs, Rifles and SMGs for the whole Team, scrap what you dont need, i started the main land with a nice plus and long running contracts
Are you from the US? In Germany we use WhatsApp Threema or Telegram for messaging, nobody cares about some bubble colour.
I found Firefox WAY before i found Lemmy, no Chrome on my machines, UBlock Origin, Noscript, Facebook Container, Video Downloadhelper, Firefox lets one retake control
Cyberpunk baby!
I have to say imo it would be awesome if the “Rexxit” leads to a split between people interested in tech and ready for change and the “normies” that just want to see funny cat pictures. I am mightily impressed by the whole Lemmyverse and all the stuff one can do here.
ahh, good times, good times
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the first rule of the Biscuit: do not Proeorder
Homosexuell und “Ausländer”, wie kommt man da auf die Idee Mitglied einer Faschopartei zu werden? Ich mein es gab ja auch eine Gruppe Juden in der NSDAP, aber lernt man nicht aus der Vergangenheit?