There’s a reason guns were called the great equalizer.
There’s a reason guns were called the great equalizer.
Haha no: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_lining_(idiom)
But still funny in context 🤭
Yeah I’m in dental myself (another country), and when anti-fluoride patients come in, we generally sassily remark that we thank them for keeping us in business. Bit of dark humour to see the silver lining in things, I guess?
There have certainly been dental clinics going out of business in the last few years, something quite unheard of - unlike other ‘new businesses’, the success rate of opening a new dental clinic was normally guaranteed (unlike say a new cafe).
If the general population want to remove one of the best public health initiatives, then so be it. We’ll make hay while the sun shines.
I 100% misread the title and thought it was Florida.
Dentists in Florida Utah: yesssss thanks for the increased business!
On the other hand, obstructive sleep apnoea will eventually lead to heart attacks/strokes.
They meant doubt the gas leak.
It can, yes. TMJ-D can be debilitating.
Yes. And the jaw joint has more deterioration too.
You’re going to have to commit to an ecosystem I’m afraid. Like the other commenter saying convert yours to be compatible with magsafe, my household uses Quad Lock devices due to the heavy reliance on QL mounts in/on our vehicles.
You probably should get an MMR booster, yes. Check DTP as well.
as bitchy not assertive
Too often, a behavior is considered bossy or bitchy in a woman, but would be considered assertive or commanding in a man.
A woman crying is emotional and can’t be trusted to ‘do what needs to be done’, a man punching holes in walls is just frustrated and can be relied upon when the going gets tough.
…or at least that’s what our rather misogynistic culture likes to tell us.
Once female speaking time reaches 30% or more, males believe that the females are dominating the speaking time.
Female encroachment on what has traditionally been considered male spaces is not taken well. Female empowerment is considered taking from deserving males.
Essentially the general male population don’t like females, and only tolerate them as a subservient subclass who should be seen and not heard.
EDIT: This should probably annoy you a little too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt2qCjL6-n4
And it may also explain why people complain that there should only ever be one female character - it minimises the chances of males having to watch two females interact, because that would be excluding the male experience and they couldn’t possibly relate to two females interacting.
EDIT2: comments in that video do claim there are more scenes… whether or not that really adds much is up to you.
They’re being very sarcastic. Very.
Other folks in the area searched it, and bluetooth nearby as well as wifi tracking put them all in the same place. Same as old mate with the Spanish comment, he was hanging around in an area with folks who regularly look at stuff in Spanish.
What you think might be spontaneous isn’t.
Depends. Does the hypnotism make them think a patient has arrived? Will parents bring in children who don’t exist?
If it does, then super quickly. If it doesn’t, then a while.
Only the boss isn’t the same gender as the rest of the team and today is their RDO.
Apparently for mine the cooling fan was rubbing the shroud, so locate that and see what it’s doing.
This sounds like a distinctly cultural problem where the word ‘limit’ clearly doesn’t mean very much to the population in question.
It’s a limit, not a target, and certainly not a floor as some USAsians seem to treat it.
Here in Australia you can be fined for exceeding the limit by less than 10km/h. Yes, even if you are 1km/h over, and whilst this would probably get thrown out in court you’d still have to take time off to attend court.
“If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
-Desmond Tutu
When someone says it’s quiet at work, suddenly all these emergencies come in…