Even my highschool in california was full of teachers who didn’t want to be there, would actively ignore the fact the class was behind and would “adjust” scores to make sure most everyone passed, even if they didn’t try to learn anything
Even my highschool in california was full of teachers who didn’t want to be there, would actively ignore the fact the class was behind and would “adjust” scores to make sure most everyone passed, even if they didn’t try to learn anything
The only consistant thing about conservatives over history is that they are almost always against good social progress, the ones of the past just had more sturdy spines
Opengl is a weird edge case because the way it links into c programs is cursed. GLAD GLUT and GLFW just make using opengl itself easier by doing all of the library loading automatically. Because there are so many versions of opengl you have to load the specific one you want at runtime, alongside all the separate extension libraries that may or may not be in different binaries, directories, etc.
OpenGL is the exception and not the rule in the normal library - api - program paradigm.
6.79 out here in rural nebraska, they were 3.50 a month ago
But how else am I supposed to accidentally shoot my balls off after getting into an argument during thanksgiving dinner in 1995?
$800 Rent is cheap in this economy
Ikr, just saw an ad for a nearby apartment wanting 1,200$ a month for a studio apartment… in Nebraska
Again, the “how you live” thing again, in your opinion, what is the “correct” way to live?
That’s a terrible way to look at the situation, did you ever wonder why it was even necessary in the first place to do that to yourself?
Yeah that inital response gave me the impression that they live in a completely different situation than what I, and most of the people I know IRL are experiencing. Typical rent prices out here are 120% the sum of 2 weeks of minimum wage pay, not including utilities
In my case I’m subleasing so I’m paying off my Landlords’ Landlord’s fifth mortgage
≥ Mortgage You lost me there, renting is much more expensive than paying a mortgage off
My parents were Gen X but they faithfully followed the boomer mindset
Me and my fiancee both work full time to just barely survive each month with no savings because the CoL is so fucking high it’s unmaintainable. And if you reply with “just move”, first: I’m in the midwest, it’s not AS bad out here, and second: Moving is a privilege, it’s expensive, time consuming, and often times you end up in a worse spot than you were before
I’ve been using some schematics I’ve dug up from the 90’s internet, most of the hard part is learning the dark magic rituals you need to perform in order to make sense of how the things actually function, it’s very complicated and I was way in over my head when I started, but after a few years of failing a whole lot I’ve gotten somewhere lol
Ah it’s not particularly a serious game dev server, it was just one of the many passing events on a public trans server. Itchio has a list of currently active game jams and teams if they’re interested in looking there.
And yeah I have heard of VCV, I’m actually doing the hard route and building my own eurorack setup from scratch, like schematic and perfboard kinda scratch so it’s taking a while to get enough experience to make a reliable module (I had about 5 done and dusted when I accidentally exploded them but that’s a story for a different time.)
It was a little one for a discord server, they were quite forgiving on the time frame so the process was fairly relaxed. I mostly do programming so that’s generally what I focused on.
Also I’ve been listening to a lot of of my 70’s and 80’s cassette collection so some of that early synth sound is rubbing off on me I think
Yep, just bought one the other day and it was about 1/8th" shorter than my previous phone
Really leans into the fact that efficiency means absolutely nothing to GPU manufacturers compared to a 5% gain just by stuff some more watts into it