• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2021

  • ESIM using silent.link = a phone line that can only be used to receive messages and calls no outbound calls allowed. However you need a phone with esim support.

    Physical sim on another device: great but you need a seperate hardware and have something extra to carry and charge.

    Physical sim on a dual sim phone. Easier to carry however it runs the battery faster and sometimes you can forget which sim you are on if you are quickly calling or texting.

    Mains sim plus VoIP line example is mysudo- use one phone, seperate your communication between your actual number and an app with VoIP. Seperate phones # via software since VoIP is all on app side. Requires you have an internet connection to work properly. Not all services are happy using VoIP and stop you from registering or changing numbers to VoIP.

    Lots to think about, best of luck.

  • It does also have third party repos such as sbopkg. This does a bunch of the movement for you when installing packages though you still need to manually install dependencies, BUT If you also add sboui which is a front end package resolution for dependencies then the process is much faster. I like the stability of Slackware, and also because its helps me get better for when I try the BSD since its very much like them as well.

  • Hatch@lemmy.mltoAnime@lemmy.mlFrieren: Beyond Journey's End
    9 months ago

    What i love about this show is what happens after the story ends. Lots of story have this ending of epic quest, but i always wonder, does your happily ever after last forever? Thats when Frieren takes the direction to answer those questions. I love the approach, everyone loves conflict and major problems. Very few shows actaully go on to talk about what happens after “peace” in a more world view.

  • Several things with this.

    1. introducing programing and linux are two seperate things, though they do bridge when running linux, it would be asking em to learn one or the other. ( offer something already easy linux distro, to learn linux passively while focusing on programing.


    Learn linux TV - playlist available for linux and programing


    Unfa - learn linux and music production


    Good audio recording program thats free Ardour ( if he becomes good and makes a living on it, pls donate to the devs)

    Learn programing for free Freecodecamp.org

    If you are in the US. Ask the college/university for taking walk ins for classes. They allow you to attend classes for free to check out if you want to be a student. Depending on the school there will be no limit. ( honestly tech fields are mostly certifications and experience; a degree with student loans not necessary)

    Local library, ive found books for programing languages to check out, use the cities resources.


    All these options mean nothing unless the person does it and applys. You need to accept that no matter how much you suggest/guide/offer , that at the end of the day the choice is theirs. Especially at an age that wants to figure things out on their own.

    Best of luck.

  • Hatch@lemmy.mltoAnime@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Morally speaking, your are right, initially he should not have done that. However the interactions of the zombie girls thoughout the series shows that it gave them an opportunity to deal with some of their initial unsolved problems. Im not saying this justifies them being brought back. Im saying its bad, they have done a lot of good both personally/professionally, and the future is unknown. I can see it going south for sure(as one possibility), here is the thing with making dicey choices, eventually you will have to face what comes with it.

  • Most desktop enviornments work with most distros. There will be a selection of linux users that say it doesnt matter because though its true you can make any distro look like each other. The navigations can change depending on the distro you use. I agree with most of the comments here, since you are starting out, mint is a solid choice. You get the backings of ubuntu, + its very user frienldy. A gui for packages/drivers and good sweep of software for daily usage. Im using it now since my arc 380 gpu is supported on it to use as the host for my virtual machines. ( i virtualize other distros/BSD and windows [for those pesky windows only games/programs])

  • Im wanting my friends to try out linux, they are all windows normies. This is pretty aggressive approach. I applaud the enthusiasm, maybe there are some people who respond. Id try my own way by finding a distro that best suited to their use case. All an all, someone is doing linux spreading to the masses and at least we can call that a win.

  • Hatch@lemmy.mltoOpen Source@lemmy.mlSmart watches
    2 years ago

    I have one, great use for my notification. Works with gadgetbridge to update as well. I cant upload resource zip files however that say will have new watch styles that is included seperately. Id have to link it to my linux phone to do that. Overall though for the basics its great and the price is nice.

  • Hatch@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlFedora or Pop!_OS?
    2 years ago

    I concure, i had pop os with virtual machines for windows via kvm/qemu. Total noob but i got it to work somehow. Anyway several games i couldnt play due to anti cheat, i had destiny 2 on my steam account that i cant play do to this problem as i risk my account being banned just for having linux. Eventually after some tinkering i broke my pop os(wanted to use lightdm and lighter desktop enviornment to save ram/cpu).

    Only use windows vm for non linux friendly titles i have already paid for. Everything else will be via linux vm for gaming. Since vm is my goto i like keeping my host computer minimum. Also i prefer hdmi audio for my vms as my switch box has an toslink(fiber optic) audio out. Keeps the audio part super easy to add using astros or equivilant gear that have optical support.

  • When i was still really noob to onward i have jumped from ubuntu, pop os, fedora, linux mint, debian, manjaro, artix, slackware.

    I go back between distros from time to time but for a noob and support with out the box experience.

    Linux mint is the choice to go, out the box:

    • removed ubuntu snaps(snaps seem way too bloated for me)

    • nvidia drivers are easy to install via gui

    • docs are simple and easy to follow, i had jumped up 2 versions in an old thinkpad w/ nvidia quite easily.

    • it does have display refresh rate changes.

    • since its based off ubuntu it does have support for games as well.

    • really user friendly

    Stuff most linux distros have

    • tinkering out the box, only a select few remove that to have the distro set to read only for user or are heavily integrated to work a certain way where tinkering is a pain.

    • programming-you can setup it however you like for programming, via ide or through text editor such as vim/neovim etc

    • vpn remote access for media- its supported in most if not all distros as well.

    One thing i want to know is what your computer specs are, since wether a stable distro such as mint or rollin release such as an arch based will depend on your hardware.

  • Hatch@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlSlackware turns 30 today
    2 years ago

    As stable or user friendly fedora and debian are, their whole structure due to the way they setup their ecosystem including their package management differ in how to change things system wide as you dont want to go too heavy on it to avoid breaking, especially if you tinker things to where you conflict with its package manegment. Aka your configs vs apts/dnf package managers configs, at some point a conflict will occur to where you will need to fix it.

    Slackware lack of package managers creates the initial issue of well now i got to manually take care of the dependencies. However in exchange, the packages are close to the way they were initially developed and your config system wide has significant less competition on what happens to your configs systemwide.

    You can make your debian or fedora your system, however slackware gives you that initial power out of the box hence its superb stability + even if i make a mistake i find slackware to be more forgiving to fix the issue.