Police Unions are gangs. Not labor unions.
Police Unions are gangs. Not labor unions.
Elon wants the USPO privatized. And I want Elon euthanized. What beautiful Symmetry.
There is. Some form of ranked preference voting. All you need to know is that both parties of the duopoly oppose ranked preference voting. Though the GOP is more vehemently opposed.
When Muskrat tweets, it’s called a Twat.
No. We are not. We have a malignant cancer in the white house.
I’m not in his district but I was so impressed by Rep. AL Green’s (https://algreen.house.gov/about) courage in standing up to and calling out Krasnov’s and the GOP’s lies yesterday that I wanted to donate some money. Unlike all the impotent, sclerotic clowns who call themselves the Dem “leadership” and constantly ask me for money whilst the most they do are write “Strongly worded letters” and finger wagging, Rep. Green’s website was all about service to his district. I literally could not find a way to donate to him. But he is now a hero of mine. If only HE or one of the few with his courage and fire were leading the Dems. I wish he were 20 years younger. He’d have made a great president.
My guess is that Africa’s more equitable geography didn’t often spur people to leave where they were born.
What do you think Krasnov’s “rejected from Art School” moment was?
To be honest, I’m less disappointed by this than I am with his avoiding a good ass kicking by Zuck.
Geez, Elon self-harming? What’s not to like?
Which is why he entirely avoids live TV. Elon is at best an idiot savant. And I’d put emphasis on idiot.
and to be as amoral as possible.
Probably a mistake.
Not true. But they could and should have done better. And in Biden’s case they should have vigorously prosecuted Trump and his follow insurrectionists.
Spaniards said much the same about Franco and that little fucker stuck around seemingly forever.
Were the CIA to effective take steps to defend American democracy from authoritarianism they could almost be forgiven for all their other fuckery.
“On Reddit”? There’s your problem.
I hope Trudeau tells him to pound sand.
He aimed for what was essentially a high level minion. Billionaires should have been his targets.