Maybe to avoid confusion, they should just display units in GB instead of GiB? Or just display both
Maybe to avoid confusion, they should just display units in GB instead of GiB? Or just display both
Exactly! Although I find dishwashing detergent dries out your skin a lot more, so I wouldn’t try using that lol. Shampoo has a pH closer to your skin than a bar of soap, so is really quite well suited for it.
Can anybody ELI5 this for me? I have an AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, so does that mean it’ll go faster now?
What it seems to me that you’re suggesting is essentially crowd sourcing a mix of investigative journalism and data analysis, which is not a skill I think that just anybody can pick up and do properly. To be fair I’ve never tried my hand at investigative journalism, but I have done a few units of data analysis and trust me there’s a hundred different ways to do it wrong. Even among the experts, there’s a lot of disagreements to what the best approaches are. I had a teacher even say that if you give a set of data to 10 data analysts, you’ll get back 12 different ways of interpreting it.
That is all to say that I’m not sure how much you’d be solving by providing another forum for people to post their takes on public policy issues, but then again if you manage to attract the right crowd of critical thinkers, who also happen to be open minded enough not to insert their own agendas into matters, perhaps people might hold each other accountable?
BTW have you checked that something similar doesn’t already exist? Insert obligatory xkcd comic:
My guess to the biggest reason not to do this is safety - if somebody is being electrocuted, you want to be able to pull the cord out of the wall as quickly as possible to maximise their chance of survival.
I just buy cheap $2 bottles of shampoo and use it for my whole body. Cheaper than shower gel, and I’ve been doing it for over 5 years with no problems. It’s all soap, right?
doing the Lord’s work
Do the numbers themselves have any specific origin or meaning?
I used to watch a lot of Luke Smith when I first got into Arch 5 years ago, but nothing much since then. The only Linux youtuber I watch nowadays is Chris Titus Tech, and then only sometimes.
Oh that’s interesting, exposing kids to it is a great idea because then they won’t have the whole barrier of the ‘fear of the unknown’ when considering installing it on their own PC. Thanks for sharing!
I would like to see a breakdown of useage by region. For example I found stats that said India’s share of linux users rose from 9% in May to 15% in July. That’s quite a sharp increase in only 2 months! With a population of over 1 billion people, I’m betting this rise would have a significant increase in global stats, so I wonder what is behind it…
Source: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/india
What do you mean by ‘normal’ package management?
What problems does the AUR create? I just install using yay, and it mostly works fine
Reminds me of that episode where Roy ends up involved in a robbery… “How about that ludicrous display last night?”
Just to chime in, I first tried arch because some youtuber I followed recommended it, but after 5 years I would say I’ve stayed with it for the AUR and the community. The AUR has almost every app I’ve ever needed, and whenever I have a problem there’s always a solution on one forum or another, to the point where I can usually just copy and paste it into the terminal and it’s solved!
try doing pacman -Syy
it works for me, I have to do it every few months 🤷
been with windscribe for 5 years now on arch, it works great. There’s only a CLI app but it works fine
I’m sorry? I don’t understand why you’d think I think that? This was like hundreds of thousands of years ago, so whatever their skin colour there would have been plenty of time for melanin levels to change since then
In australia it takes 3.5-4 years for a PhD. Then after you finish you move on to postdoctoral research, because doing a second PhD makes no sense