Not brushing in the morning and at night is noodling my melon. Always brushed twice a day, floss at night. Surely you have morning breath everyday?
Not brushing in the morning and at night is noodling my melon. Always brushed twice a day, floss at night. Surely you have morning breath everyday?
Luther. Peaky Blinders. The night manager. This is going to hurt. I may destroy you. This is England. Boiling point
Humans Black Mirror Utopia The aliens His dark material
Brassic Fleabag Catastrophe Derry Girls The outlaws Letterkenny
To each their own, but why even bother with milk at that point? Unless it’s an assam or something
I thought Solo was a good film other than bits that tried to make it about Han Solo, then, not so much. Not “nobody asked for this” more that with cool enigmatic characters, or mysterious back stories, mystical forces, unless it is all meticulously planned out before hand it rarely lived up to expectations. Add to that the calibre of Harrison Ford, the iconic performance of the role, it wasn’t ever going to live up to that. For me, Solo is like most of the prequels/sequels/spin offs. They haven’t added anything of enough value to the mysteries or back stories, they haven’t shown great motivations or origins for the characters I loved in the first place. With exceptions. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t keep playing with the toys, but they should be more careful with them.
People detest Faith of the Heart
Think the actors done a great job with what they were given, but why is everything so damn earnest constantly with just about everyone and every storyline, I think the last couple series of discovery have been my last enjoyed out of all the stat trek on telly
Ah excellent, I’ve been waiting for this. Completely forgot it was coming out
Gpu off the trade on from game pass and extended with the reward points has been great value. But their current strategy and the games I can’t play on it that are on ps5 is tempting me, also about to upgrade my gaming PC, so maybe steam etc e will satisfy that
Excellently written article that really sums up why I’m finally done with Xbox once my gamepass runs out. Been holding off buying a ps5 but they’ll be gaining a new customer for my console gaming.
Yeah when my ultimate game pass runs out I’m gone too. They’ve fucked the hole thing
Haha, guess I could have read it a bit closer
Is that for real or has the takeover made that unnecessary? Can’t tell anymore is they’re serious
Sounds very familiar, I’m doing my best to just take it as what can I do from here and not dwell on the past, lying if I said I don’t spend any time contemplating the what ifs.
Yeah it was a thing, additives and the like, was told it was making my hyperactive, well several of them were to be avoided, e110,e117, buggered if I recall what they were. There was a book that listed them all. Yeah, I found when I used to blast the goodie l coffee all day I was much more able to focus at work, it hindsight it kind of makes sense
This was one several things I’ve seen throb this community that made me, eventually, do a test. Turns out I’ve got adhd, just went undiagnosed my whole life, was called hyper active, was told not eat certain foods with e numbers in the 80’s, not drink coke (caffeine), I’ve a follow up doctors appointment, but being nearly 50 and only figuring this out now, is been a real mind fuck, positive feeling though
Cheers, I’ll look her up on YouTube or somewhere be interesting to see another side of her talent.
I cannot recall Bowie in Tron: Legacy at all, but he had been acting on and off in pretty big productions since the late 60’s. The biggest first one was probably The man who fell to earth, but I think Jareth in Labrynth was his best performance personally.
I 100% only know her from The Expanse, what else does she do that I’ve been missing out on?
They weren’t though, they were straight up comedians. After all these years it’s obvious they had more to them, but when they first stepped into serious roles it wasn’t known and was a surprise to most what they could do outwith comedy.
It is supposed to be on AMC+ though fair warning it’s already cancelled