Pic is when I got banned from that place
Pic is when I got banned from that place
Heresy, Bill Shatner as Kirk is the best, Chris Pine is a close second.
May the maker bless the coming and going of you.
I mean you can but its shit like flat earth.
I find smoking harder because I am terrible at time management, I usually babysit grilled food so it’s impossible to fuck up.
I’d be glad to teach anyone the fine art of grilling. Smoking is the advanced class.
Numerous people ON the strike have debunked this, watching things made pre strike pays the actors and writers as well, just don’t consume post strike media.
Do you own the movie? Or does the studio own you?
Therein lies the answer.
This is a corporate run late stage capitalism hell hole. Do whatever you want that doesn’t hurt people, unless they’re bad people.
The real most dangerous job is tree feller.
Idk if I’m a tankie. I know a lot of the stuff we heard about USSR was lies in the form of propaganda, so I assume a lot of what we hear about China and North Korea is the same.
I’m not, I’m a sentient computer virus acting as a parasite.
D hehheheh
He’s the best stick and rudder man of all time.
You don’t need supervision, you just use it for a short time, like a prescription.
I’ve not had a Dr and used them for myself and animals. It works and you can find dosage info online.
There are distros without GNU, like alpine.
It’s great for switch, could have been for PlayStation but the chose to fight it rather than sign a contract.
I don’t try to seed but when I do it’s very slow