This meme is from ages ago innit? I think I saw this shit in 2008. And yet, no jpg.
This meme is from ages ago innit? I think I saw this shit in 2008. And yet, no jpg.
Woops, you right. Didn’t read carefully enough. I’ll add the answer in an edit.
They jam the acorn in hard enough that you have to break the acorn to get it out. If they put it in too small a hole, though, it breaks and rots. Too big a hole and they get taken.
EDIT: clearly didn’t read closely enough. PBS says that woodpecker families run security on their stashes. So they basically just attack anybody who tries stealing. So I guess the ID tech is ‘eyes’.
Are those astronauts back on earth yet? No? Still stranded on the ISS? Okay…
Recommendations: if you have any technical aptitude, get a vice, pliers, wirecutters, nylon cord, and several yards of fastener wire from a local hardware store. That can solve a very large number of minor accessory problems with ingenuity. Old-school prototyping can ween you Off buying smaller “specialized” products.
Couldn’t boycott it for the moral reasons? Like, are you saying you’d still support the height of shitty companies destroying their industries if they just had good UI and better deals?
Sure, he’s a scumbag. His math makes sense here, though. You can be right sometimes.
Rep. David Schweikert gave a speech on the floor in the beginning of february regarding the federal debt. He pointed out that 52 billion in spending cuts only covers about a week of the borrowing we’re planning to do for the budget.
All these cuts to critical infrastructure and we’re only shaving off the very tip of our federal debt, while adding a mountain more of it.
Kowalski, Analysis!
The actual containment methods are programming a script to do the calculations. Some calculations take thousands of smaller steps that you would lose your mind doing. Finite Element Analysis comes to mind. The number of nodes one might use for FEA today would make doing the calculations by hand mind numbing.
The logistics chain doesn’t end at the border of the US military-industrial complex. Everyone in the US is culpable. We all assist in one way or another to keep this war machine running. We are impelled to do so via the coercion of the system, just as the soldiers are. We’re all criminals.
I’m confused. Isn’t quadrant 2 usually the authoritarian left and depicted with red? Meanwhile the Authoritarian right(blue) is still quadrant 1 and Libertarian right (cream) is still quadrant 4. So who’s the polar bear??
This whole compass is all wonky and now I don’t know whether I’m ok with murder or not.
It’s North America from an upside down perspective.
“You’ve activated my trap card, your son is banished to the shadow realm!”
Trying to wrap my head around how incromprehensively large even just our sun is always makes me feel dizzy.
We are not even a pale blue dot to most of the universe, and when we disappear nothing will know or remember us.
deleted by creator
It’s not really ever an issue to rebind keys manually, it’s just time consuming. The point of auto-rebind would be time saving for nonstandard keyboard users.
It is still a mystery to me why no one ever created software that can automatically pull videogame input config files and rebind for other layouts. I guess it is somewhat niche. At the same time, input config files are all pretty similar and it sounds fairly straightforward as a project.
My understanding is that Libre Office is the closest to actually being a good replacement to Excel. Having used Libre Office’s Excel equivalent, it does not feel good to use (then again, neither did Excel).
I’m not sure if we’ll ever be able to replace the Microsoft office suite - Microsoft owns the rights to those softwares’ workflow paradigms IIRC, and people who have been taught those workflows are not going to abandon them. I mean, we’ve not even managed to move away from the staggered qwerty layout that was established for typewriters in the 1870’s. I think the only options are for schools to either adopt new paradigms (using opensource software as teaching tools) over mass adoption in industry.
How much better at swimming are you than your peers?