That is Reze who is very much not a IRL person. Won’t say anymore because spoilers but you can just Google Reze CSM if you want to know.
The earliest cats probably appeared about 35 to 28.5 million years ago.
Pretty sure anime girls have been around for at least 50 million years.
No, Brazil(ian) probably. Not Chad(ian).
Does it say anywhere it’s a guy? But also him not caring either way is enough to prove your point.
I… Need to watch more of this because what is this video. I guess a promo event for that game? I don’t know why it feels so out of place to me for a Sonic game.
Yeah this is my first time learning this too and k8s is something that comes up almost daily for me.
I18n is the only one that clues in for me (internationalization).
With the exception of using magic as pointed out at the bottom so I guess if they tried hard enough…
Yeah I would imagine poor/lazy planning or they either thought their tools would be replaced by then and/or that computers were just a fad so there’s no way they’d be used in the year 2000.
I think the song is about saying goodnight and going to bed. The character singing it looks like the same one in the bed.
Rails are amazing and I don’t even fully utilize them with all the cool logic stuff you can do.
They get rid of so much clutter when done right.
Yeah, okay. So much less cruel to just trap and kill them all. Unless you’ve got a secret cat utopia where they can all go to.
The problem is there already. People adopting and keeping them indoors is not the problem.
A real solution would be better laws and enforcement involving cat breeders and people who let cats roam and reproduce freely. Or all the assholes around the time COVID lockdowns who figured they could just adopt temporarily and then abandon their pets.
Yeah, had that same issue with connect. Just waited it out knowing sync was coming soon. Now that I’ve switched I don’t seem to be having any of those problems. Feels just like when I was using sync for reddit.
Yeah places like Reddit and Twitter will be much bigger targets for bots and regurgitated clickbait content. There may be less content here but I think it will end up being higher quality.
That’s a good idea. There’s so much stuff I should/could be reading in the time I’m browsing social media.
Especiallybas a software dev with all the new tech that is coming out, will hopefully get myself to do the same (with Lemmy as a backup of course)
I set up almost the exact same list this week. I like spiders though… Adding Blizzard now.