I can’t necessarily speak for the person you’re responding to, but I can speak to my own experience with corporate social media. Without a doubt, reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc provided things that I value: a way to connect with people and a place to learn. But when I did it on those platforms, all of those fun chats, philosophical conversations, and learning moments that I had were owned by the social media company. I got something out of it, sure, but the corporation was skimming off the top. The recent debacles that so many social media platforms have had recently is just demonstrating that they’re getting greedier and greedier. They’re trying to extract more value from our relationships and interactions. This is pretty much how every corporate-owned social media platform is destined to end, because shareholders always demand growing profits. In the end, the only resource that social media companies can draw on to drive those growing profits is us.
I’m really excited for this. I’m sure at first it will be selling for a price way more expensive than normal chicken, but I hope in the long run, it’ll be able to make it so people can get meat for really cheap. And just think, you can get the perfect cut with no gristle or fat every time! I hope this succeeds and becomes common enough I can get it in my grocery store.