Book cypher. 2 copies of the exact same book. The cypher is an agreed upon system of indicating letters or words.
Book cypher. 2 copies of the exact same book. The cypher is an agreed upon system of indicating letters or words.
This is also my take: any person can set up an image generator and churn any content they want. Focus should be on actual people being trafficed and abused.
You don’t mess with my stuff, I don’t ask questions and leave the key in the outdoor faucet. Please turn it off when you’re done.
Complete with ‘messy public divorce and custody battle’ fantasy.
Living her dream.
If a human employee makes a mistake, I can find out why, and correct the process used by the employee.
If an AI makes a mistake, I (currently) cannot see how it came to the result, nor can I correct it to not take that action again.
People don’t have to work. This is the assumption the entire house of cards is built on. Those at the top need you to work so they realistically don’t have to.
I’ll take D, but in no way was it Tiny Handed Felon Trump’s idea.
Putting your power supply on the same liquid cooling loop as your CPU and/or graphics card sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
This year, same as the last 3 years, “Some guy made a carborator that could get 100mpg…” but bringing up my fuel injected plugin hybrid gets the equivalent of that, and the cognitive disonnance goes full swing. Apparently converting the horsepower to electric drive first is cheating.
Ads, yes. Class action legal ads for pharmasutical side effects/injury can stay. Do your testing ya smucks.
Full exposure experience.
The problem with many ethical delimmas is time. Inaction, whether intentional or introduced by debating what is ‘right’ can still cause harm.
“If we wait around long enough, this problem will no longer be a problem.” -Many medical ethics boards
I always felt like companies publicizing dei stuff just gave ammo to the critics and opponents of the movements.
On the flip-side, it sounds like “The only reason we hire certain people is to check a box on some report. Otherwise, we’re entirely part of the problem.”
“DEI hires” shouldn’t be identified or identifiable in company culture or payroll. The existence of the label itself is discrimination.
This will take a rogue agent to send malware or otherwise brick all machines by kernel injection. The crowd strike event poked a hole in the dam. This needs a full exploit to get major traction beyond game studios moving to the next kernel level drm/exploit engine.
Broken clock is right twice a day.
Aldo Nova - Fantasy
I’ve given the rest of the album 2 listens and no other song on it really does it.
Allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats
Tried it. Tastes like sunny D with alcohol in it. Wasn’t bad if that is all you wanted.
“Behold! A Van!”