good ole primogeniture
good ole primogeniture
writes innovative new software
ahh, fuck
I can’t believe the first thing I thought when I was scrolling and saw this image was “straight flush”. My brain has been broken by balatro.
What does -Qqdt do?
He’s using hyprland? I’m impressed. I was expecting GNOME/kde/cinnamon/etc.
I don’t know of any that would record everything on Linux, but steam has a thing to record gameplay of games launched from steam on linux: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/23B7-49AD-4A28-9590
The amount of money the company paid isn’t even slap on wrist level. ~$500 + cover legal expenses.
Is there an archive of the database anywhere?
looks like a downward arrow to me
From a police department? In Texas???
Reddit does ban if a new account immediately after signing up tries to post any post, especially if this is all being done from a VPN and using browser instead of app.
I hate English spelling too, but that one isn’t English’s fault.
I’m on sway for the same reason.
ohh, now that I zoom in to your original, I see that those lines were grey. my bad.
oh weezer is a band, ic.
doesn’t that have 6 right angles? wouldn’t the angles on the other side of the circle to the two right angles touching the circle also be 90 degrees?
capital gives you the power to brainwash and half the working class has been brainwashed by the 4 with the capital