Also, I’m not a medical professional, but I was just wearing scrubs just now… post-processing a 3d resin print after working too much all week.
Which konsi are you?
While not comic panels, they did a daily Konsi for Gobtober.
This is why I subscribe.
A passionate comment about something I didn’t even know about.
I love how the good voice and bad voice both suggest basically the same thing with different justifications.
Weird, I see >!spoilers!< tag like reddit uses and not the
::: title
format that lemmy uses.
Are using a browser or an app?
Lemmy spoiler tagging format
::: spoiler about something
Details about something
Details about something
Looks like a Microfilm reader?
As for the joke…
It’s like the dungeon was so huge they had to “shrink” it to microfilm to be able to fit in “1 page”.
I wouldn’t say it’s a great joke, but that’s what I got out of that.
Always upvote Morte, that’s a new rule I just made up.
Your party just met up for the first time at this retro restaurant and the robowaitress asks what you want to order.
You don’t have much in the way of company credits, so it’s a bit awkward as you barely have enough for anything on the holomenu.
Luckily, your new patron to be notices and says they’ll take care of it.
“5 breakfast lab-bacon sandwiches” and waives his credstick.
You don’t know much about the guy, but even if this job of his doesn’t pan out, a meal’s a meal.
The corpo ad plays loudly on the holo:
Lab grown bacon is the closest thing to the real thing, 100% guaranteed
A small disclaimer, barely big enough to be legible scrolls in and out too quick, you make out the words “purge”, “reconstructed”, “flavor”, “simulation”, befit the thing pops out of existence the robowaitress heads off on skates.
It’s common historical knowledge, so you all know that actual pigs were all purged in huge mobile incinerators more than a decade ago after a bad wave of swine flu, so who’s to say what bacon was really like…
Rumour has it that the “lab” in labbacon is actually for labrador meat, which… you’re pretty sure is just an urban legend to scare kids into eating their synth-celery.
As you wait, your new patron cuts to the chase “So, before I spill the details on this job, tell me about yourselves? I like to know new contractors”
/awkward roleplay
He eyes you suspiciously, like he’s not quite sure what to make of y’all.
“Alright, that’s for us, I’m starving”, he says with a big smile as the robowaitress zooms across the busy room with a big platter, expertly and effortlessly zigzagging between customers, bums and other hazards.
Then there’s a loud crash and a bunch of weirdly dressed, blindfolded weirdos appear out of thin air, flailing, swinging, dancing?
They’re chanting something you can’t make out and they’re dressed even more ridiculously than in these old holomovies you’ve seen (describe your old party, focusing on how out of place they are).
The platter goes flying and crashing as they start stomping around, seemingly intent on fighting your meal for some reason.
“Fucking Glitter addicts” Fixer McFixer Face mutters, standing up.
Roll initiative
On her turn, the robowaitress shouts a much louder, recorded message: “SIRS, THIS IS A WENDYS ™, DISPERSE IMMEDIATELY”
(After a few rounds of chaotic fighting or fruitless attempts at getting the intruders’ attention… they zap out of existence like they were never there, except for the mess.)
The robowaitress resumes her programming, bringing you a mostly empty platter with sad, smashed bits of food scattered here and there.
“Enjoy your meal, satisfaction guaranteed”
As she says the word guaranteed, there’s about 3 pages of legalese verbiage that scrolls in and out of existence faster than any human can probably ever read, classic. She storms off as soon as this blinks out.
He picks at bits of thin leathery brown-greenish strips of pressed labbacon pulp, and whatever destroyed remains and sighs with a resigned look.
“Well, I don’t know what the fuck this was about, but it seems you can handle yourself, you’re in.”
Getting his credstick out, he reserves the table for another half hour and orders a new platter.
(Start explaining their first job/adventure)
It’s like when you go to an office social event and realize you only ever talk to these guys about work stuff.
It’s funny because I just got back from the office social thing and yea whenever we drift to something else than work… yikes.
Back in my day, we’d go several sessions without a rest which really did wonders to tone down spellcasting nova.
updates once a week on Monday
Which is easily the best part about most Mondays.
Moonbeam to turn back non magic shape shifters?
You apologize about as much as Konsi.
It’s fine, we love you.
I clean the scanner regularly, it’s just surprisingly hard to clean it 100%
The trick I think is finding a good solvent for your media.
Coloured pencil would be mostly waxes and oils.
My go-to is usually a high % isopropyl alcohol, it cleans up pretty well, dries fast (you don’t want leftover solvent touching your next scan).
Next up, if it’s really persistent would be odorless mineral spirits. (Odorful?) mineral spirits work too I guess, but given the choice I much pretty prefer the odorless stuff.
I very much prefer kimwipes over paper towels which usually are a bit too scratchy and can leave some fluff behind. Microfiber cloths are reusable, but once you load the fibers with waxes, it doesn’t really work as well.
Do check that your scanner top is glass and not cheap plastic before using mineral spirits.
As with anything, try it out in an inconspicuous spot first to be sure.
Otherwise, isn’t Scan without trace is a third level spell available to trickery domain clerics?
For Karl! Rock. and. STONE
Whoops, wrong place, carry on.
For a tenth of the price too
FWIW, I really like these as they are.
I’ve binged through them a while ago and they feel like a wink to an actual campaign, genuine.
Little windows offering glimpses of things that could have happened during actual play.
Like… this doesn’t need to have happened as is during a session, but it feels true enough for the characters that it could have happened during or inbetween your actual D&D sessions.
Countless forgettable series on streaming sites have writers, didn’t do them any good.
Even if you did hire a writer, it would just lose focus.
Do they even know the campaign? Probably not.
Even if they somehow did, they’re notorious for not sticking to source material because they too wanna get creative. I don’t have anything against writers, but you’re doing a fine job yourself and I don’t really see how someone else could write these without losing touch.
I’d rather hear it from the goblin’s mouth, so to speak.
I love Konsi and the work you’re doing.
I love those, I binged through all of them.
I wish you an uneventful long rest.