It has since been reported that Suleman Dawood was actually very excited about going on the sub, and had been previously disappointed when he couldn’t go the first time the dive was scheduled because he was only 17, so his mother was going to go instead. That dive was cancelled, he turned 18, and you know the rest.
American Prometheus, the Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer, by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin.
I wanted to check it out before the movie comes out, and I highly recommend it for a very in depth view of his life.
I also recently finished On the Origin of Time, by Thomas Hertog, which I also recommend. It’s about Stephen Hawking’s final ideas and theories, told by one of his closest proteges. There are some incredible ideas in this book that I had never heard of before, and I’m a cosmology nerd.