I took the quotes from the HTML file, though, because the drop-down didn’t work. The description is the same as today.
I took the quotes from the HTML file, though, because the drop-down didn’t work. The description is the same as today.
I’ve read this yesterday, and it’s kinda weird.
The community says they’ve debunked his cheating and needed months to do so, going through every possible seed to determine that the dungeon in the video doesn’t exist and the very important and early item drop is not naturally possible.
But apparently no one of them has read the video description, which explicitly stated that a) it’s a spliced run and b) he manipulated the item to drop as early as possible. Could’ve spared them a lot of effort.
…done in 27 segments appended to one file…
…cut down the time almost in half and it’s due to even more luck manipulation…
…The most important thing is that I manipulated Naj's Puzzler to drop from the earliest monster possible…
Note that I took these from an archived shot of the video in 2014.
Auch wenn FDP und Union aktuell asozialer Mist sind
Ganz was neues.
Nothing new.
On a sidenote, can we somehow link to lemmy threads so that everyone can access them from their home instance?
Oh cool, now we can namedrop Schrödinger into this to give an even more educated impression.
Ich bin kein Wissenschaftler und möchte mir nicht anmaßen, diese scheinbar bahnbrechenden Erkenntnisse in Frage zu stellen. Aber ist es nicht viel naheliegender, dass die Ernährung unserer Vorfahren primär von der Verfügbarkeit und damit vom Ort und den klimatischen Verhältnissen abhing?
Ist ja kein Widerspruch, wovon hier berichtet wird ist erstmal nur eine Momentaufnahme ohne kausalen Zusammenhang. Was man daraus schließen kann wird vielleicht noch interessant, wenn das Verfahren auf viele weitere Fossilfunde angewandt wurde.
Tatsächlich hat die Nationalbibliothek den Auftrag Websites zu archivieren, auch wenn da nicht so viel bei rum kommt, wie man sich wünschen würde; ist außerdem aus copyright-Gründen leider nicht frei zugänglich.
While specific platforms haven’t been named in the law, the rules are expected to apply to the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, per the Prime Minister. Sites used for education, including YouTube, would be exempt, as are messaging apps like WhatsApp.
I think they meant twitter is worse than reddit and hope we don’t get an influx of twitter users.
Huh, thanks for clearing that up.
So what exactly is the implication of that description, that the run was made with a fixed seed and maybe multiple tries for some of the levels, but on the same seed?
Isn’t it then extremely suspicious, that it’s not stated what seed was being used / how it was fixed?