It warns you but it doesn’t contact the police for you. It’s still up to you to assess the situation and your next steps. If you’re on a sleeper train or have any reason to believe it’s not a threat, just ignore it.
It warns you but it doesn’t contact the police for you. It’s still up to you to assess the situation and your next steps. If you’re on a sleeper train or have any reason to believe it’s not a threat, just ignore it.
Oh I know one. The ED from Stella no Mahou. Stella no mahou is a fairly mediocre show that you may or may not decide to watch at all, and even if you did, you probably forgot all about it once the season ends. The ED is great though, it’s electronic house(might be wrong) music, rather than a standard anisong. If you’re after some EDM anisong, it won’t disappoint.
I think it’s just general fear of the command line. I’ve had a friend who always owned a mac, and started using it for his programming course. While assisting him in trying to compile some programs or use something like git from the mac’s zsh terminal, I can tell it’s a stressful event for him, even though all I told him to enter were simple commands like ls, mkdir, g++ etc.
I have a machine that runs fedora with no trouble at all. I never needed to debug anything, multimonitors and sound outputs all work. But every once in a while, something happens which can only be solved through the command line, because linux simply does not have a settings utility as extensive as windows control panel. It’s fine for me, but telling that friend to bring up the terminal and enter a cryptic line will probably freak him out.
Swiping up from the bottom currently opens up the app tray, what does it do on your phone?
I think it makes sense, but only if the app tray is removed like how it is on iOS.
Screenspace outweighs it for me though. My accuracy is pretty good these days, but my assistant gestures are turned off for unrelated privacy reasons, so there might be less gestures I really need.
Not only do I not have the “live chat itch”, I actively get very stressed on live chat platforms and do my best to avoid it. Afaik I never had communication difficulties my entire life, but being on discord makes me feel like I do. I just have zero idea how to approach any topic, which I assume is because I cannot read facial expressions. I’ll much rather approach strangers on the street than chat on discord.
I’d like to know if anyone shares this experience it too. Live chat seems like a better option for most people.
I assume people who use the fediverse cares in some way about federation, do they not?
It’s like going to a community yard sale, except Amazon shows up and starts doing sales with massive discounts. They’re Amazon, they’re definitely going to be better at pretty much anything, and as the clearly “better” seller, everyone’s going there. It’s not like it’s illegal or anything, users might even get to buy better stuff. But it’s not really that much of a yard sale anymore is it? And the work of the people who developed the community just goes to serve Amazon. What’s the point of keeping amazon in the yard sale anyway, they’re more than capable of maintaining a storefront of their own. People who want to shop at Amazon can just walk through the front door of amazon fresh, it’ll always be there. The yard sale maintains it’s character and culture by not expecting it’s smaller sellers to compete with a behemoth.
Dammit it’s AI again. What can I say. It’s been causing more destruction of things I care about, and all I see from AI is scams and impersonations.
I think there’s a chance they succumbed to hypothermia long before they ran out of oxygen.
Typical plan to fish for a big investment from Microsoft? A shiny new M$ campus, thousands of jobs and everyone pretends this linux thing never happened.