This is a completely different issue. There are persons who are known to be exposed to a higher personal threat level, and they get special protection. This is different to the alleged higher threat to the general public. As far as I know and read in the press, police forces are on higher alert to protect public spaces, events, etc. But we can’t mixed this up with the individual threat levels of exposed persons and their special protections.
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Most of us are not exposed to such a threat level. But if so, you can turn to the police and will get special protection. This happens all the time.
I wouldn’t say the CEO of Euroclear is a ‘private citizen’ in this context.
Another disgusting remark by a person as ignorant as his government. In 2023, when Lu Shaye was Chinese ambassador to France, he said that “ex-Soviet Union countries do not have the effective status because there is no international agreement to materialize their status of a sovereign country”. This includes Ukraine, as we know.
The fact that such as person is now “special envoy for European affairs” must only be seen as a provocation by the government in Beijing, a war-mongering government that is bullying more or less all its Asian neighbors like India, Buthan, Nepal, the Philippines, just to name a few.
We must note, of course, that China is a decisive enabler of Russia’s war in Ukraine, an aggression from which it greatly benefits. This is not limited to, but includes its intended war with Taiwan which it calls “reunification.” It may also be easier for China to get a chunk of Siberia from Russia to create what Beijing calls the “Arctic silk road”. Later in 2024, for example, there was even a video circulating that shows how China should conquer parts of Siberia up to lake Baikal.
China is also already “investing” in illegally occupied territories in Ukraine. Chinese companies are supplying equipment to mines occupied by Russia in Torez, Snizhne, and Khrestivka. Moreover, Russia is seeking to connect the highway “Rostov-on-Don — Mariupol — Melitopol — Simferopol,” which it is actively constructing, to an international transportation corridor Europe — China. Needless to say that the Kremlin is in contact with the Chinese Communist Party also on that matter (you’ll find ample evidence about this on the web).
Lu Shaye and his government are arguing in bad faith. The least thing they have in mind is the well-being of Europeans. Or the well-being of anyone, not even of the people in the own country. It’s a regime pursuing a dictatorial policy and making decisions in complete disregard of anyone and anything else.
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Russian lawmaker Oleg Morozov in Russian state media: “Trump is keeping all of his promises” (Invidious link, 5 min video, the statement comes at ~3 min)
Already the EU is taking steps to get around Budapest as it looks to maintain support for Ukraine against Russia’s aggression and ramp up the European defense industry, according to officials. Finnish Foreign minister Elina Valtonen said there are plans to forge a partnership among countries that can sidestep any internal opposition […]
Finding a way to deal with Orban “is becoming existential for the EU,” said Katarzyna Pisarska, chair of the Warsaw Security Conference. “What I’m expecting in the next weeks is an effort to circumvent Hungary via more enhanced cooperation and coalition-of-the-willing type schemes.” […]
As a member of the EU and a European Defense Alliance, Ukraine could bring its minerals and a lot of material and immaterial resources I guess.
This is a far-right propaganda coup. Why isn’t that deleted?
Als Ergänzung der Report von Human Rights Watch:
[…] Seit Ende 2016 haben die chinesischen Behörden eine groß angelegte und systematische Kampagne von Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegen die uigurische Bevölkerung, bis hin zu Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, verschärft.
Die chinesischen Behörden haben Uigurinnen willkürlich festgenommen und zu Unrecht inhaftiert, sie wegen der Ausübung ihrer kulturellen Bräuche verfolgt und sie einer Massenüberwachung und Zwangsarbeit unterworfen. Schätzungsweise eine halbe Million Uigurinnen sind im Rahmen der anhaltenden Repressionen nach wie vor inhaftiert, wobei die Behörden routinemäßig friedliches Alltagsverhalten wie Gebete oder den Kontakt zu Verwandten im Ausland mit Terrorismus und Extremismus gleichsetzen.
Uigur*innen, denen vorgeworfen wird, China illegal verlassen zu haben, werden, falls sie zurückgebracht werden, von den Behörden mit großem Misstrauen betrachtet und sind Inhaftierung, Verhören, Folter und anderen grausamen, menschenunwürdigen und erniedrigenden Praktiken ausgesetzt, so Human Rights Watch. Die Behörden haben auch wiederholt uigurische Familien, die im Ausland leben, schikaniert.
In einem Bericht von 2022 dokumentierte das Büro der Hohen Kommissarin der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte diese zunehmenden Rechtsverletzungen und kam zu dem Schluss, dass die Handlungen Chinas „internationale Verbrechen darstellen könnten, insbesondere Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“.
Why is this a problem only when then Chinese do it?
No one says it’s only a problem only if the Chinese do it. There’s much evidence, however, that products that are unsafe and often posing a threat to health are those on Chinese platforms.
There is also a strong need for supply chain transparency as Chinese products are often manufactured under slavery-like conditions (for which there is also much evidence).
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In China you can’t even found a company as a European, you always need a Chinese partner that would own the majority of your joint venture (the only fully foreign owned subsidiary in China is Tesla, btw, it’s the only exception). The whole country is a closed, China-only shop, and the US is just in the process to build its own China-like firewall around its country. What double standards …
Addition: China’s Xi affirms ‘no limits’ partnership with Putin in call on Ukraine war anniversary but China urges EU to stop discrediting China after Russia sanctions
That’s strange, here all works fine: Again:
Addition: It’s quite short text, here we go:
Europe should move from freezing Russian assets to seizing them, British foreign minister David Lammy said on Tuesday, hardening Britain’s position on how the West should use bonds and other securities frozen since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
After Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine in 2022, the United States and its allies prohibited transactions with Russia’s central bank and finance ministry, blocking $300-$350 billion of sovereign Russian assets.
They are mostly European, U.S. and British government bonds held in a European securities depository.
European leaders want to use those assets to help rebuild Ukraine, but have yet to reach an agreement on how to avoid legal challenges or setting a problematic international precedent, with several options under consideration.
“Europe has to act quickly, and I believe we should move from freezing assets to seizing assets,” Lammy told parliament when asked if he would support emergency legislation to seize and repurpose the assets to support Ukraine.
“It’s not an issue on which any government can act alone. We must act with European allies.”
Lammy did not elaborate on exactly how he wanted to deal with those assets.
In a January debate in parliament on what to do with the frozen assets, foreign office minister for Europe, Stephen Doughty, only went as far as to say Britain was considering “all lawful measures that we can possibly take to ensure that Ukraine gets the support it needs”.
The European Union estimates that some 210 billion euros ($220.58 billion) of the frozen money is held in the bloc, mainly in Euroclear, a Brussels-based securities depository.
Some Western officials, especially in the German government and the European Central Bank, have been reluctant to simply confiscate sovereign reserves, warning that such a move could face legal challenges and undermine the euro as a reserve currency.
China is decisively supporting Russia in its war against Ukraine.
The paper aims to cut emissions by 90%, amongst other points.
There are several reports on that, e.g., this one:
Strangers on a Seabed: Sino-Russian Collaboration on Undersea Cable Sabotage Operations
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If this is questionable, what alternative do you suggest?
Yeah, and let us not forget that China wants to to the same with Taiwan.
Just keep in mind that renewable energy is not really implemented for sustainability, but mainly for profit. Also, due to capitalism the energy consumption keeps increasing.
What do you understand by capitalism? China -a self-defined socialist country- is almost a role model for what goes wrong in the fight for climate change in the way you are describing. China’s fossil fuel production and consumption are outpacing its increase in renewable energy and that is the reason why the country is -contrary what Beijing’s propaganda wants the world make to believe- desperately failing in its climate policy.
I don’t know of these particular European/African projects’ environmental impacts, but I don’t question them either. But this has nothing to do with ‘capitalism’ or any perceived societal model.
Edit: This world map gives a first view where our global fight against climate change stands. (Hint: ‘Capitalist’ Europe is not good and must do a lot more, but we are far ahead in the path compared to others.)
Second edit: After a closer look into the study itself, I have to revise my opinion from above and say it is quite generic at best. The study authors are citing exclusively secondary sources, there appear to be no own research, and even the report says that European investments in the African countries are -though substantial- only a fraction of the total foreign direct investments (in case of Egypt, for example, it is 25%). They don’t even say where the rest comes from. Europe can always do better, sure, but this whole study is just a sequence of mostly web sources assembled to foster a certain narrative imo.
Sollte es zu dieser Art ‘Frieden’ kommen, wird Russland nach der Ukraine das nächste Land angreifen, und dann das nächste …, und China wird Taiwan angreifen und seine Aggressionen in Asien gegen seine Nachbarn (Nepal, Indien, Philippinen, u.a.) verschärfen. Deshalb unterstützt China letztlich auch Russland in diesem Krieg.
Wenn Putins Russland nicht vollständig aus der Ukraine abzieht, sieht es düster aus für den Frieden in Europa und der Welt.
Not an MEP, but a Swedish lawmaker already gave some advice to Asian countries during a recent travel, raising the issues in Europe and Asia are similar:
Swedish legislators to Asian countries: Build security alliances, bolster defense vs. Chinese aggression
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