Actually i don’t remember all, since i followed links from other sites. Others i found a workaround. The only one i tried to make work and still can’t is
Yes, that makes sense.
I think ist depends on the reflected wavelengths.
Haha, right after my comment i got flooded with posts from new communities on lemmy.nsfw and furry erotica. It definitively is annoying. At least the preview is blurred.
Welcome to the internet ;)
For now i just block the communities as they show up, same with shitposting communities and other stuff i’ve zero interest in. Waiting for the ability to block entire instances.
I have cookies and javascript completely disabled and can read it without any problems. (firefox on laptop, noscript, idontcareaboutcookies)
You might want to chill down a bit. It’s not like people run a nuclear plant with Lemmy. I mean what’s the worst thing possibly happening if you miss a handful of posts? Exactly, pretty much nothing.
Development wise i think mod tools are far more important. Keep in mind that Lemmy is still beta and only one part of the fediverse.
Well, i just assumed something like the play store has an index about all the stuff they host. I used Debian for most of the last decade, so i might be a bit spoiled.
Thank you! Answering with Connect right now. Works fine so far.
It’s strange that none of them turned up when i searched for “Lemmy Apps”.
answered to myself accidently.
I’m not surprised that the author of a article in favour of deep fake porn (although disguised as a philosophical “centrist” view) is male.
The article is not about single persons who might be trolls or whatever to qualify as a “bad guy”. But about megacorporations like Meta. The best way to deal with them is-in my opinion-to not cooperate and defederate them as soon as they start to enter.
Would it be of any use to you, if i sent you the answers via e-mail? I prefer not to tell google all that private stuff.
Edit: spelling
We should not try to include as many people as we can at all cost. We should be honest and ensure people join the Fediverse because they share some of the values behind it.
Exactly my thoughts on this topic.
I prefer talking to my folks over the phone or in person. Those who only want to communicate via social media are not important enough to me to deal with all that stuff.
I prefer talking to my folks over the phone or in person. Those who only want to communicate via social media are not important enough to me to deal with all that stuff.
Thank you!
Why do you think that’s stupid?