I play games for the games. I might have a preference on the type of TV and shit, but that’s all personal preference. If the game is good, it’s good on either one.
I play games for the games. I might have a preference on the type of TV and shit, but that’s all personal preference. If the game is good, it’s good on either one.
I might check this one out later. I usually use audiobookbay, but half the links are dead if it’s more than 5 months old. And i keep forgetting to try and log in at the right time for Myanonymouse.
I 100% beleive this is Musks way of getting out of the fight. He either didn’t expect it to happen, or didn’t know Zuck could fight.
Even better. Shit in their box. Assert dominance.
Yup. This was it for me. Ordered a burger from a no name local place. It came in a Red Robin bag and container. Apperantly they gave no fucks. Since then if I found a place, and it turned out to be real, I just marked it with the heart. Anything not marked it either a big name chain restaurant, or it’s suspect. Especially since we also know about ghost kitchens where it’s one place posted under at least 10 different restaurants.
Edit: Just for shits and giggles, I just loaded up the app. First place I didn’t recognize I checked and Google shows it in the middle of an industrial complex. No restaurant signs anywhere to show where it’s at.
Then I saw “the burger den”, which another person said is Dennys. Google maps takes it to Dennys
Apperantly kids are cheaper than I thought
I also feel like it’s become more right wing. Or at least now that some people have left, the balance has shifted further to the right. I went on yesterday, and r/WhitePeopleTwitter, a fairly left wing sub, is now having a lot of Republicans. Really killed my desire to go back. It was something I know a lot of people predicted would happen, but still sad in a way to see.
Edit: Also the fact that the main niche subs I went to are dead. They used to be pretty active, but since they reopened, a lot of users were not happy. So now it’s a post every few days. I think one of the subs just got completely deleted. Sadly they’re not as active here.
You can’t tolerate fascism. To tolerate that and let genocide happen is to be a piece of shit as well.
“When a Nazi is a Nazi, don’t come crying to us who support the Nazis”
So if I want my freedoms as a gay man I should just move? Rather than us just being better? It’s cool to praise the US and our freedoms, but the second we see the opposite we just tell people to leave, and yet we are supposed to be the good guys? Lol
Pretty much. Guess I should have Saud “work on the problems.” Like we could be trying to do better, and instead of working on the things that got us to this point, a lot of them were left alone. And instead the plan is to work on blocking out the sun.
Yes, it’s obviously more complex. And yes, there has been a bigger push for green energy. But we could be forcing even more change instead of this
If this is what we are aiming for instead of just fixing the things causing the problems
Then maybe we should just consider letting global warming do its thing.
I would argue the up vs down is left vs right. Because it’s ultimately a fight against capitalism and fascism. Because while it is ultimately rich vs poor, they’re using the bigotry to get people to follow them, and simply ignoring genocide in order to hopefully get poor people put of poverty just means millions die along the way. We can’t just say fuck it let the trans people die cause I’m poor. Then you’re no better than the people you claim to be against.
So it should just be rich vs poor, but it’s not, because too many people fall for their rich’s tactics.
Well we don’t use it for just anyone who has any different opinion. So the problem right there is solved. We do use it frequently. But that’s when we see thing like homo/transphobia(Nazis hated queer people), antisemitism(another group Nazis hated), racism(also Nazis), and sexism(once again, Nazis). There seems to be a pretty fucking large overlap of what modern day Republicans preach and what the Nazis preached. Including as of lately “eradicating transgenderness” and “erasing communities.” As well as the amount of terrorist attacks that ha e actively been encouraged.
So if you would prefer we could just call everyone bigot, since that includes them all and not everyone personally considers themselves a Nazi, but I hardly see the difference between a Nazi, the KKK, Proud Boys, 3%ers, etc, when they all preach the exact same stuff. At that point you’re not arguing anything except semantics. It’s like the whole “race realism” thing. It’s racism, but more palatable to racists who think the name racist is mean, but not the mentality.
I guess another way to look at it is as people keep bringing up, but there’s a German saying about this. If you have a table with 9 people and 1 Nazi, you have 10 Nazis.
This also doesn’t change the actual argument being made, which is about a forum that is open. In which case, you do get Nazis. Like not even what we mean when we call Nazis as Nazis, but people who call themselves Nazis. We have seen that over and over and over. You get Nazis, and you get pedophiles. Then everyone else starts to leave and you are stuck with Nazis and pedophiles.
So once again, I get the mentality behind it. In a lot of ways I would love a site like that. But it’s also a little different for those of us that are having people call for our deaths on a regular basis.
5 rich people sign a paper saying it’s cool if they die in a shitty submarine, they do, and we spent millions trying to find them.
But people actually need help and we could improve our society and economy in numerous ways, and we can’t do that.
I hate this place so God damn much.
That’s what I keep thinking. Like on one hand, watching Musk get beat up sounds entertaining. On the other hand, it’s a publicity stunt and feels like the next step towards Idiocracy.
If me and you are having a discussion, but the topic is the fact that I want to kill you, how long will it take before you stop wanting to talk to me?
“But it’s just words!”
Well, we know that’s not true, so how long would it take before you stopped wanting to be around me?
Oh, also I promote pediphelia. Just as a little fun thing. Just the casual story of raping kids.
I get the appeal. I do. I 1000% do. I get it. But also fuck Nazis. I don’t want to be around them. I’m gay, so they don’t want to be around me. Fuck pedophiles. I don’t want to be around them. So if a site is filled with Nazis and pedophiles, I’m gonna go to a different site. Now you have an echo chamber of Nazis and pedophiles. The thing you wanted to avoid. But you’re stuck with only talking to Nazis and pedophiles.
Meanwhile the bubble without Nazis is a really large bubble encompassing everything except Nazis and pedophiles.
Which hardly looks like a bubble.
One of my good friends does tattoos, and he doesn’t do them for pretty much this exact reason. Like on one hand, fuck Nazis and he doesn’t want to do it. On the other hand, money is money. They’re gonna get it done, so might as well be the one that gets paid.
But ultimately he doesn’t want to make anyone else who comes in uncomfortable, and he doesn’t want to slowly become known as the guy who does all the Nazi tattoos. It makes him look bad and means he will get fewer people. So it’s best to just tell them no.
The medical side to things is definitely a huge step up. On a personal side, I think it would be cool to be able to actually witness history as it’s being made. Sure, we already are, but there’s going to be so much more. I’m a big fan of horror, and one discussion I’ve has more than once with people is “Would you become a vampire if given the chance?” And while the whole drinking blood thing is a turn off, there is the idea of getting to see humanity evolve. If anything, I almost would rather have had that option earlier. Getting to see everything from the mid 1800s to now would be perfect. But they say there’s no better time than the present, so I guess if given the chance, I would actually consider going the immortal route to see everything.
But the whole financial factor is also the big thing that makes me really question if I could support it. We are already seeing how fucked capitalism can be. And since it would likely only be for the rich for awhile, it would mean they can just take even longer to set up a world for them even more than it already is. Eventually they might start to offer it to us, but it would be more so for working purposes. Line Bezos will provide it to people for free… as long as they work for him. But once they quit, they no longer have it available. So either work 60 hours a week minimum for Amazon, or you don’t get to be immortal.
And it’s gonna suck for most of us in a lot of ways. Like I moved up north partially because of politics back in 2014. Now some are eventually gonna follow and move up here as well. Plus, I can’t afford a house. A lot of people can’t afford one. But when more and more people come, we won’t have enough. Unless we see some real, meaningful changes in the way we handle housing, it’s gonna be a shit show.
I was talking to my mom back in I think 2020 and the subject of the cost of a home came up. I told her how much they are here, and she said me and my boyfriend should move near her and some other family in St Louis. While I would love to be near family, I’m gay. I’m not moving to a red state. And I’m not looking to buy a house I will eventually need to abandon with no one buying it. That’s a lot of money to just lose.