Cyberpunk dystopias are a warning, not a strategic plan!
Cyberpunk dystopias are a warning, not a strategic plan!
Time to write a new editorial criticizing the judge.
This is good. It will drive more people away from Reddit.
I read it as creating a mandate for the government to reduce microplastics that get into the human body because those reduce fertility and sperm count. Except in these kinds of bills, there’s always an unwritten addendum that says that the bill doesn’t apply if a perceived obligation affects a company’s bottom line
It’s meant to endear this sycophant to Trump so he gets in line for a cabinet position when it comes out that he has ethical issues some journalist is about to expose.
“Guys, guys. Since Musk isn’t from Germany, he’s not a Nazi! It’s just sparkling fascism! Totally different!”
Well, evil is a medical problem for other people, like those with profitably denied insurance claims.
“I mean, do they want to dismantle public health?”
The answer is an overwhelmingly obvious “yes” at this point. Wealthcare companies would love an influx of patients they don’t have to actually treat but still collect premiums and copays from.
You’re not accounting for people who are restrained from being who they truly are or who they want to be by the perceived consequences until they’re intoxicated and don’t care about the consequences anymore. Bigots who might only say bigoted things in “safe” company unless they drink too much aren’t virtuous people holding back intrusive thoughts. They are bigots who finally feel free to do so.
According to WHIO, who obtained an “investigative file” and communications within the office, Rodgers said he was prescribed sleep aids and that his ‘out of character’ actions were a “documented side effect.”
Ah, the classic Roseanne defense. Most people don’t start spewing hate under the influence of medication if they don’t normally use that kind of language when they’re sober.
We draw, somehow, more votes from Trump.
Weird. Who would have thought batshit crazy would also like greedy, hateful, and stupid?
This isn’t a smoking gun.
You can’t trust that ChatGPT is telling the truth, but also the use of copyrighted material is acceptable under a fair use standard written into US copyright law. Whether it is fair use or not is up to a court to decide, but “without permission” doesn’t automatically mean “illegally.”
Hence the desire for a single player offline version of the game…
Not everyone believes that devs are the authority on what makes a game fun, which is why mods are so common on PC games.
but that’s part of it, just like irl.
Some people might not want annoying aspects of IRL in their fantasy escapism games involving roleplay…
That’s the part I always hated. It was hostile towards people who liked the lore but didn’t want to group up with some guy named LaserButt4000 who didn’t want to go to the same dungeon as you, but was happy to get your rare loot in a bad roll of the dice.
Private servers with scaling for dungeon soloing were a godsend. WoW is actually awesome as a single player game. It’s unfortunate the devs never realized that.
This is a misleading perspective. Why would you need to codify “settled law?” SCOTUS had ruled that it was a constitutional right already so you wouldn’t need a separate law.
You’re also ignoring Casey. It wasn’t just Roe.
They also don’t typically say they’re “pro-abortion.”
The infographic states “facts” that weren’t relevant at the time.
Add time tracking for time tracking with every other task.
Hey, it was a highly accurate, academically astute, peer-reviewed depiction of a scripted comedy scene!
Fuck no. Studies have found a positive correlation between swearing and being more honest.