Love mdma, I belive that it could help PTSD, but I agree with you, is no benefit for anyone to rush such a thing.
The whole vive is "they stopted it cause is “drugs”, but like, those are good reasons to stop any trials.
Love mdma, I belive that it could help PTSD, but I agree with you, is no benefit for anyone to rush such a thing.
The whole vive is "they stopted it cause is “drugs”, but like, those are good reasons to stop any trials.
Exactly because of this is that so many dislike that bot.
Politico is maybe american left, which is still right.
Are you me? Goddam, I am the very same to the last detail, I was even also wondering the same before reading the comment.
Oh and I am high
Nobody’s stupid enough to
Every sentence that begins this way is wrong.
Nobody is stupid enough to belive that every sentence that begings with “Nobody’s stupid enough” is automatically wrong
Im high
We have a development system for python on Windows at work, works very well also.
On linux is one pip install, buy maybe first do a venv^^
Chaos, not anarchy!
I’ll coincide with you in that first-aid-quick-repairs is something people should in the best of cases know how to do, but setting a envirental variable or installing a package is not a “simple thing”. I’ve worked with engineers that programmed math models for a living that had no idea what a enviromental varible even was. Yes is easy to do, but the concept behind it, what it is, what it does and why are not simple, without the right background or the will to learn about the topic.
And, about user and owner. Sure, I get your point and personally I share it. But again, that is an opinion, tell a non-interested-user that they don’t really own their rig until they know how to use the terminal and I assure you that most of them will disagree.
Do you know how everything in your house works? How to repair everything? No right?
Would you be brave enough to mess with the grounding of your house, or the AC or the heaters, the washing machine, the doors? Not eveyone wants mess with every (subsystem) thing in their house/live"
Most of the people I know want their PC to work and if somwthing goes wrong they just send it to repair or ask somebody else to fix it, they don’t wanna do it themselves, which I find normal, they have little to no interesting in PCs, and that is compleatly fine.
And before someone says "Yeah, but the computer won’t kill you if you fuck up the fixing or messing, let me tell you, a “sudo rm -r” or “sudo chown -R” can fuck you system BAR, making you loose important data and info.
-…But refugee -I hear you about to type-, they SHOULD have 10921 back-ups in atleast 2542 independent locations. Yo, they don’t wanna even see the terminal, and you want them to interest themselves for data integrity and redundacy? Come on.
This whole threat is a HUGE circle jerk and a collection of all the “I USE ARCH BTW” variations imaginable.
Come, not everyone is a computer nerd, nor everyone ones to optimize 30s in the workflow if it means memorizing a bunch of commands, their syntax and options.
Decide on a random N and what tails (even) and heads (uneven) mean.
Each party generates a random number
Combine the numbers with a conmutative operation of some sort, the harder the operation the better.
Take the hash N times. (Can be done independently by each participant)
(4.5) optional: for extra robustness, do some hard-to-calculate transformations to the result of 4. (Can be done independently by each party)
This is not infalibe, one party could get all the numbers a precalculate a answer to get a specific result but they will need to randomly try numbers. adding some timing constrains, using big numbers and hard operations would make that sort of attack not really practicable.
Nice question, had fun thinking about it!
I do have both.
I didnt say anything about the interoperability. I can imagine some wins… but nothing game changing tbh.
Aw man, I missunterstood everything :(
It might work with people you know but is harder to convince people you just met, that’s the reason I still use Whatsapp and recently opened an Instagram.
At the very least, you need to keep an eye on it. Just seeding can be insufficent because of speeds, competition and popularity of things you download.
Is it a lot of effort? Probably no but in my case any effort is too much effort. Is just not my thing. I admire the spirit but I don’t have it in me.
I just don’t have the time for it or well, I do, but I don’t wanna put effort into mantaining ratios and whatnot. I have stuff to do that I enjoy more than be part of a internet club.
But that’s just me.
Only in the south, acording to my experience
Mega! Das ist ein enormer Schritt. Glückwunsch!
Kann man die einfach so kaufen, oder braucht man eine Verschreibung dafür?
Forgejo is already doing it