Wrong. It’s a statistical certainty.
Joe Biden isn’t from the south. He was born in PA and called Delaware home lol. By no definition is he a dixiecrat
We have a two party system. You have two realistic choices. You can vote for Mickey Mouse if you want - he won’t become president.
Sorry you don’t understand how it works.
Democracy is your way or burn it down?
No. You don’t like democracy - you’re helping to elect a literal dictator!
This is ridiculous. If you can’t have it exactly your way then just elect a litteral authoritarian dictator and cause the end of the country? Ok dude I guess you do you
Then you’re helping to elect Trump. Simple as that.
Step 2 is illegal and not realistic. But honestly someone will prob do that for big brands anyway so same logic applies anyway
Would be interesting to see this lined up to other countries (US in particular)
That’s what I do.
Everyone wants stuff for free and I get that. And I also get the “fuck big corporations” stance kinda…
But these services cost money. So we either pay for it directly (and yes they need to make a profit also - this is capitalism) or we have to watch ads. It’s not really a complicated concept. I hate watching ads and have $11 per month to spare so I pay.
Where I am they are few and far between, will definitely take longer to arrive (if they arrive - no way to know if they are coming or not) and will be more expensive. They drivers will also almost certain try to long-trip you, hassle you for more tips, etc.
Uber isn’t perfect but it’s way, way better than a taxi here
I hope Gavin newsom repeats this word for word in their debate in November