Is it one of those “play the whole main story and then focus on the side content” situations or “Save the final mission for later because its a proper ending” situations?
Is it one of those “play the whole main story and then focus on the side content” situations or “Save the final mission for later because its a proper ending” situations?
Its mostly just that I want a Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim with a sci-fi setting. A solid story, lots of side-quests, and a dynamic world that reacts to the player. I’d probably enjoy a modern metropolitan criminal setting as well for an RPG like GTA’s settings but Elder-Scrolls/3D-Fallout gameplay but you never see that at all.
Space is cool though.
Someone could gift a literal trojan horse to Trump and he’d fall for it as long as it had his face on it or maybe some gold.
I wish there were more new sci-fi RPGs of that quality.
I do hear CP2077 is good now and I keep meaning to play it.
TBH I’ll probably end up enjoying Starfield once I get around to trying it as well.
This is too weak and virtue oriented.
That said, I guess its better than nothing. Focusing on promoting alternatives however would probably be a little more effective. Amazon has a lot of weird niche products that I’ve struggled to find else where from trust-able sellers.
Look, I don’t believe in free will. I don’t think wanting others to suffer for being “bad” is a rational mentality. (I agree with Robert Sapolsky) But I’m also not a rational being, I’m human and my emotions tell me “Fuck these assholes” and I’m tired of trying to be above it all. Especially, after this recent election. And at this point I can’t help but be indifferent to their suffering at best.
I’m just going to avoid them like the plague. I owe them nothing and I can’t waste my life trying to bring horses to water when I know they wont drink. Or swimming up a political waterfall by trying to organize them.
How many miles on it? Because if it’s low mileage 7k is a steal.
I don’t know that I’d suggest a car that old as a daily driver for someone that doesn’t do their own repairs. Old cars are always going to need a lot of repairs.
Yeah that’s what I kind of told him, its age was a concern to me but he said that while I wasn’t the ideal user, that it’d probably still serve me well as long as I take care of it because he said old Hondas are very reliable. He was insistent it was the best option out of the cars we were looking at. He also loves Hondas though so I’m wondering if he was a tad biased and it was really just a car he’d like.
I’ll say I do feel some level of responsibility to making sure its taken care of because its like a cool old car and IDK if I want that sense of responsibility. But I also really don’t want to go car shopping again.
I’m sorry, through some unfortunate events, I currently live in redneck land. There are some decent people here but they are a minority and usually people who are young/born there or too poor to escape (me).
The vast majority of people here choose to live in the middle of nowhere however and it shows. They’re paranoid, stupid, delusional, prejudiced, etc. Every time I’ve tried friendly conversations with them at various watering holes, they end up disliking me for bullshit prejudicial reasons. They literally tell me that I’m showing off by using big words or say I’m a weakling faggot or whatever else.
I commute into a small city for work for a pretty humdrum low paying office job and the people here are a million fucking times nicer and smarter and just as “working class” as the rural chuds.
I will fully admit I’m more than a “little” rude on this account. This the account I use the vent my depression, self-loathing, and misanthropy. Maybe sometimes I’m nice on here as a treat.
I made a spreadsheet to compare cheapo cars. Then my brother, who is a car person, went with me to car shop and insisted I buy a '92 Honda Prelude that was in pristine looking condition for 7k. He was very insistent that it was a steal even if I needed to put another couple grand to fix it up, so I bought it.
Unfortunately, I have indeed needed to put more money into it, its currently in the shop right now in fact.
I’ve never owned a fast car before, I’ll admit its a fun car to drive. All my previous cars were boring A to B basic cars. I wish it’s cruise control worked (still can’t figure out why it wont), that it had come with cup holders, and that its speakers weren’t so tinny.
What if you think you kinda suck, but also think most other people are way the fuck worse?
Both of these people sound insufferable. (And I’m autistic)
I’d vote for him but he’d need to ignore the consultants next time if he wants any hope of winning.
I already knew I was autistic I got diagnosed like 10 years ago as an adult, but I had never taken the test in question (Cat-Q) and I guess I kinda figured my autism was “light” or something. I think the test’s questions were very effective at breaking through high masking so that’s why I scored so heavily autistic and it kind of struck me so hard it made me cry. Masking is exhausting and at this point I can’t really “stop” its so ingrained.
For me I don’t think there is anything intrinsically wrong with me but I think some aspects of it fueled some really stifling early life decisions that kept me from growing (before I learned I was autistic) and now I feel like I’m permanently “behind” socially/developmentally. Part of that also I think might have been how subtly conservative and judgemental a lot of culture I absorbed was as a kid that I ended up assuming everyone thought I was a dorky loser so I avoided people I thought were “cool” to a degree. I still feel like I can’t relate to people my own age and that’s been the case since I was like 8 and its still the case in my 30’s. It makes me sad about what I’ve missed out on and makes me worry about my future.
EDIT: I just retook it, I scored a 149, for context average male non-autistic scores are 96.89, for autistic men the average is 109.64.
I took one of those autism tests and I can’t remember off the top of my head what the score was but it was very high which both surprises and doesn’t surprise me. I mask extremely well according to most people I meet. Telling me “You seem normal” or even “You aren’t autistic”.
I’ve only had two people tell me “It’s obvious” ever, my mom and a single friend of mine.
But holy hell all the other autism personality/psychological aspects are like cranked up to 100 and I have a love/hate relationship with that. Hyperfocus is a double edged sword for instance. I love that I can get super into something and get really fucking good at it but I don’t love obsessing over the same thing for months to the point of it keeping me awake at night and hurting other aspects of my life because I can’t change mental direction.
It also isn’t good for social anxiety, way too much rumination on single awkward conversations MAKE IT STOP.
Its arguable that its better to define them by the intent of the ideology rather than just their outcomes.
First, thanks for elaborating. I welcome the challenge to my views, but now I need to counter.
they shouldn’t be advocating for copyright, i.e. don’t base your whole business model hypocrisy. “Copyright for ther but not for me”.
I never suggested that they are advocating for copyright. Utilizing the rules of a system to get ahead doesn’t mean you actively advocate for it. That said, I somewhat agree, if a small indie dev was using gen AI and then however gets litigious over people pirating their game that indicates a ruthlessness that is significantly unpalatable and I certainly would not support them. I’d view them as extremely petty and stupid to the point that the potential hypocrisy almost comes second to me though.
I do believe generative AI to be copying rather than learning, unlike humans.
I don’t see a difference. There is nothing intrinsically special about a human’s learning methods that can’t be replicated by computer systems. Even if the current generative AI methodologies wasn’t exactly the same process, that is immaterial. If I created a humanoid robot that learned to physically paint based on paintings I showed it, would that be merely “copying” instead of learning?
What if they came out with neurological enhancement implants to human brains that sped up the process of humans learning how to do art to the point that they also could trivially replicate other artist’s styles?
The difference is purely in economic consequences. In both of my questioning examples producing art becomes economically trivial, that’s the problem. The meta-physical question of whether its “art” or whether only humans are truly creative is all cope and gibberish.
The third paragraph tries to put a class barrier on good morals. Let’s assume that is true. I’d argue that anyone that has the time and money to start their own venture into game development also is quite “comfortable” and should therefore be measured by the same stick.
This is all relative/subjective and I largely just disagree. I think this is an easy position to hold if you’ve already “made it” so to speak. It comes off as someone rich tut tuting someone poorer than them for “taking shortcuts” and saying “Look, you have a computer, smart phone, a microwave! You should be happy with what you have and just work harder if you want more.”
“Good morals” is also extremely subjective. When it comes to meta-ethics, I only care about consequences, not about the virtue of individuals. Virtue only matters in my personal relationships.
Most open source is created by people in their spare time. They mostly have full time jobs to do as well, the collaboration is done for fun or as a calling to do good for the world.
Having spare time and energy to contribute to open source is a privilege in today’s society regardless of how it is achieved. You can argue that in our time of abundance this should not be the case but unfortunately it is.
Again though, I don’t view this as a negative on the part of people who contribute to open source. I strongly support such people and hope at some point I’ve reached a point in my life that I can do the same.
Note the “if they could”
It doesn’t, that’s not my point though. “Idiot” is just a watered down form in the modern era, but its still a slur for someone with poor cognitive abilities. And much like “retard” it was used in a clinical/technical context originally.
A person calling someone an idiot is using a culturally softer term to get away with conveying the same exact message. You feel contempt for someone for being dumb, a totally understandable emotion. Calling someone an idiot though doesn’t convey the same bite, sure, but that is almost the problem. Why would you pull punches if you feel earnest contempt for them and their lack of intelligence? Its insincere.
To provide another example of what I mean: If someone says “DEI people” they want to say the N-word without actually saying it and they are rightfully called out on that all the time.
I say this as someone who loathes Musk, its not a big deal that this exploded.
But the success or failures of the program should also not be meaningfully attributed to Musk anyway. He owns the company but hes not an engineer.