Yup, calorie counting is where it’s at. I lost something like… 60? Pounds in the year leading up to my wedding by just counting calories, as I was too busy between working full time and going to college full time to go to the gym consistently enough to rely on that. People underestimate caloric intake and overestimate the impact of physical activity in my experience. Not to say that physical activity is not important, more so that you can overeat calories much more quickly than you can burn them off.
I lost my little guy to FIP back in 2017. I still miss him dearly, and while I’m sad that the treatment wasn’t available at the time, I am very happy that other cats no longer need to go through it the way that he did now that it is treatable.
I follow a cat on Instagram who got it, went through treatment, and has been thriving for years ever since. It’s a happy little reminder of progress every time I see him.
Your kitty will be in my thoughts. It sounds like she already has a very thoughtful and caring owner, and that’s already a big win for her in this fight. I’m sure she will do great. 🙂