Or until the milk is frozen and iced and mixed with cream soft-served in a nice bowl with a spoon
Fault: 0x32 Debug Err Code: 00000000 RIP: 0001BFF4:Panic+0x002E RSP: 00FFB908
Or until the milk is frozen and iced and mixed with cream soft-served in a nice bowl with a spoon
This is the first era in humanity’s existence where screaming into the vast abyss will get you a few digital screams of reassurance echoed back at you, sometimes hundreds. Historically there is no precedence for this, nor evolutionarily, and people are not developed catered to this modern existence. It is truly wonderful to get to exist in this moment in human history where not only can we shoot satellites into space but we can also instant message poo emojis to someone on the other side of the planet, and get their response poo emojis instantly, without having to wait for it to be carried on boats, on the backs of horseback postmen and on pidgeons.
Cute lazy kitty cat kitty fluffy cute, Jr.
As slimy and nasty as DeSantis is, this doesn’t sound crazy. Who thought permanent alimony was a good idea on the first place? So you divorce, ex-spouse pays you, and they never get to retire or quit their job because you want their money until you die? Why not allow compromises or change? Even paying child support isn’t permanent.
Installed: Windows 10, Windows 7, Lubuntu LTS, ZealOS. VMs for MacOS, Android-x86, and Haiku.
Test comment, please ignore
The toxic behaviour found in a lot of subreddits. Its an inevitable thing that it brews in communities or instances, but it’d be nice if Lemmy held itself above repeating the patterns of the lowest common denominedditor.
Open Street Maps. It has some gaps or missed addresses/neighborhoods/roads because it is built on contributions of volunteers.
Happy four of month
It’s moderately good at in-line commenting functions and creating full function doc comments for the specific language / documentation format you need, but its code generation abilities are still not game-changing. Getting it to generate anything longer than a few helper functions is a test of patience.
For self-hosted hobby instances, expenses are likely all out of pocket. Instances amassing a large amount of users could potentially be driven to aggressive financially-driven changes of how their instance works, to maximize exposure to ad posts or sponsored pinned posts, for example. Donation-centric contribution helps alleviate that kind of seeping financial platform degradation.
I generally stick to Subscribed sorted by Top Hour, Top 6 Hours, Top 12 Hours, then do the same for All. I don’t get much out of sorting by Hot since I’m usually more interested to read fresh posts with less active engagement.
FX Fighter, Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche vs. KA-52 Hokum, Sim City 3000, Descent, and Carnivores 2. Just love the janky 3D, complicated keyboard bindings, goofy UIs, and crunchy textures.
Driving slow, leaving early and arriving early. I usually drive a bit below the speed limit, and always follow speed limit signs. It keeps people safe, even if their own impatience makes them tailgate eachother 10 cars in a row behind me. Some people like to be in a hurry when they drive and don’t know how to relax and drive calmly, I’ve never been sure why.
Developers have been kicking into overdrive to smooth things out. Web UIs are improving in stability under load, and apps like Wefwef are performing great. Each day people participate, donate, bug report, and audit code, is another day that Lemmy improves its rigidity.
Not until the tendency for the mainstream to gravitate to centralization is changed. Lemmy will need exponential growth to become large enough in userbase to be a mainstream consideration to use the federated replacement.
Lemmy adoption will help grow federation. Lemmy is fairly easy to conceptualize as an end-user, and aside from the bleeding-edge UI/backend bugs, it is easy to use. Common users are unlikely to prefer federation due to attachment to existing communities in non-federated social media, and the 1-more-step required to properly understand instances to get the most out of Lemmy. If certain Lemmy instances hold the majority of the weight of accounts and communities, it will lead to emergent centralization towards specific instances which isn’t good for federation. Persuading people who are used to centralized design not to immediately register for the largest Lemmy instance will be a long-standing conundrum for spreading out federation.
Mission Critical? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5793ZG7Y9ho Legend Entertainment made a handful of games like that. Might be a different title of theirs?
Given grocery stores tend to use the currency corresponding to their government’s authorized legal tender for use in payment of debts: a lot of small things. A select number of stores in different regions accept bitcoin one way or another, word-of-mouth to support purchasing with Monero through similar systems can encourage practical consideration of it. It will take the slow expansion of Bitcoin-accepting businesses to also accept Monero as value that can benefit the business. In general, I don’t know of any specific grocery store in my region that accepts crypto, Monero has an uphill battle to see grocery deployment.