My favourite one is the one where you write your English the way it’s really spoken ie. What sounds come out of your mouth !
My favourite one is the one where you write your English the way it’s really spoken ie. What sounds come out of your mouth !
What did you think of the game:
Kutsuttu on stripparit, JFK ja Stalin.
Kutsuttu on stripparit: JFK ja Stalin.
No confusion here.
Tämä on positiivinen uutinen
Akshually, Distinguishing between an AI-generated comment and a child’s input can be challenging due to evolving language models. Both may exhibit simplicity, occasional errors, or innocence in expression. As technology progresses, this line blurs, prompting reflection on the nature of communication and the expanding capabilities of AI.
Hyvät itsenäisyyspäivät! Kävin ulkona kylmettymässä ja huomasin että ainakin naapurin piipusta nousee savu. Pitäisi itsekin lämmittää mutta 18,5 astetta sisällä on mulle vielä hyvä
On se hyvä että hintapiikki tulee niin määräaikaistenkin hinnat pysyy suht korkealla.
Kaverin polttarit tiedossa joten saapa nähdä saadaanko se kunnolla nolattua
Metal band Insomnium is highly educated, for example their singer Ville Friman is a doctor in evilutionary biology
The Egyptian by Mika Waltari
The Year of the Hare by Arto Paasilinna
Purge by Sofi Oksanen
Well then, it would be great to see a post by a German speaker there! Do it your way!